Page 58 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 25
P. 58

Food health

          the persimmon. In their domicile   6. Gumvines                        exuberantly that during the

          in the  wild,  African  members    Some of  the roughly 17            season a family can reportedly
          of the Family Ebenaceae also       Landolphia  species  (Family       collect hundreds of kilos of
          produce widely enjoyed  fruits.    Apocynaceae), occurring mainly     fruits a day, even from untended

          And they could be much more        in  West and Central  Africa,      wild stands.  The small, round
          widely enjoyed. The fruits have    bear masses of fruits that make    seeds from the center of the
          advantages:  They are suitably     tasty morsels. These “gumvine      fruits are also edible. And the
          sized for marketing on a large     fruits” or “rubber fruits” look    huge edible roots are so much
          scale, attractive to look at,      somewhat like apricots, with       like a much better-known staple

          and appealingly succulent and      tough skins that are red, yellow,   that their common name in
          sweet. They are, however, very     or orange in color.  The plants    English is “false yam.”
          soft and delicate. This fragility is   themselves are common and

          at present the biggest—perhaps     are obviously at home in the       8. Imbe
          the only—barrier to ebony fruits   African  environment. They         Food    and    travel   writers
          becoming a valuable, everyday,     are forest lianas and sprawly      commonly      elevate    Asia’s
          Africa-wide food.                  shrubs nowadays admired for        mangosteen into the lofty level
                                             their jasmine-scented flowers as   of  “world’s  most  delicious

          5. Gingerbread Plums               much as for their plentiful fruits   fruit.” However, the plant
          Within virtually the whole of      or  the  latex-filled  stems  that   producing it happens to be only
          sub-Saharan Africa—the  vast       once provided Europe and other     one of 400 Garcinia species

          stretch of territory between       parts of the world with much of    found  across Asia  and Africa.
          Senegal and Madagascar—            their rubber.                      Africa’s best-known member is
          there exist a number of                                               the imbe (Garcinia livingstonei,
          interrelated wild fruits (Parinari   7. Icacina                       Guttiferae), a crooked tree
          and kindred genera of the          Icacina (Icacina oliviformis,      whose soft and colourful fruits

          Family       Chrysobalanaceae)     Icacinaceae) is a small, drought-  brighten up markets from
          with   agreeable    strawberry-    resistant shrub forming dense      Senegal  to  South  Africa.  This
          like  flavours.  These  so-called   stands in the West African and    small, orange-coloured delight

          gingerbread plums  can  have  a    Central African woodlands and      provides a juicy pulp that has a
          texture  firm  enough  to  crunch   plains.  Although the species     pleasantly sweet-to-acid flavor.
          like  a  crisp  apple.  Usually    is truly wild, several million     East  Africans have dubbed it
          red or yellow in color, these      people rely at various seasons     “King of Fruits.” Even those
          plum-sized    delicacies   lack    upon  its  separate  products:     specimens that are unusually

          the sourness typical of wild       fruits, seeds, and tuberous        sour prove notably appealing on
          fruits (and of true plums,         roots.  The fruits are usually     a hot afternoon.
          for  that  matter).  Millions  of   consumed fresh. Bright red and

          aficionados,  notably  children,   plumlike, they have a sweet        9. Medlars
          love their crunchy sugariness,     and  pleasant  flavor. The  plants   In East, Central, and Southern
          and consume them in quantity.      grow so densely and yield so       Africa at least eight species of

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