Page 54 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 25
P. 54


          tragedy.                           then, and the root cause of        governments, foreign countries

                                             so much bloodshed has been         and wealthy foreigners
          “We cannot give to the hyena       traced by historians to the        are rapidly taking over the
          twice” is invoked even today       Africa land grab or scramble       productive lands in Africa

          to warn of a possible repeat       for Africa by the European         and turning Africans into
          of a tragedy. For instance, a      powers that resulted in the        refugees and slave labourers
          good statement to prominently      famous Partition of Africa         in their own homeland”.
          display at the entrance of a       between the European powers        According to the website,
          genocide memorial would be,        in 1885. Kenya happened            what is unfolding in Africa is

          “WE SHOULD NOT GIVE TO             to fall under the British          a tragedy of epic proportions.
          THE HYENA TWICE”, thus             “Sphere of Influence” and the      Clothed in the garb of “Food
          reminding all and posterity of     subsequent British settlement      Security in Africa” these

          the possible danger of a second    saw the alienation of land from    massive land grabs by foreign
          genocide. Here in Kenya and        the Africans. It just happened     multinational corporations are
          particularly in Kikuyuland,        that the major part of the         into production of bio fuels,
          this statement is poignant         alienated, grabbed lands were      palm oil, flowers, sugar cane,
          and invoked to remind us all       the fertile Highlands that also    pine apples, etc. etc. not for

          that the events that led to the    happened to be mainly Kikuyu       consumption by Africans
          painful upheaval of the 1952-      land. Versions of the history      but for repatriation to China,
          58 period  where thousands of      of this struggle are taught in     Quatal, France, Saudi Arabia to

          mainly Gīkūyū peoples were         Kenyan schools and are also        mention a few. (see map below)
          herded into detention camps        available online and in libraries
          some as far as Lamu island and     and it’s not necessary to repeat
          Hola should never be repeated.     any here. Suffice to say that
          Those, especially women and        it would be unfortunate were

          children who were not held         we to break the oath of our
          in detention camps were in         forefathers and give to the
          1952-56 held in labour camp        hyena twice.

          villages which were ringed
          with trenches and barbed wire      Why do we say this?
          complete with watchtowers.
          Those who went through this        Today, the second scramble         This in exchange for mainly
          traumatic period of our Kenyan     for Africa, the second land        mechanical and electronic

          history and those who know         grab in Africa is under way.       toys that fascinate the modern
          swear on oath, that “We will       According to “Stop Africa          African bourgeoisie. The scale
          NEVER EVER give to the             Land Grab”, “The African           of the land deals has prompted

          hyena twice”                       people face an existential         some to comment, “It is a mad
                                             threat. With the enthusiastic      scramble for Africa farmland
          The major bone of contention       support of some African            right now” and again just as

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