Page 55 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 25
P. 55
in 1885, the argument is that
the land is “unoccupied”, and
“underdeveloped”. Are we
going to give to the hyena
twice? Nī tūkūhe hiti keeri?
Writing about Twiga Farm
in Kiambu, Central Kenya
as a case study of a Kenyan
land grab, Leira Von Rinsum,
a freelance journalist
concluded, “In global neo-
liberal framework that
demands pro-corporation,
pro-profit development led
by investments, they (Twiga
Farm) are only one example
of the massive land grabs and
evictions taking place in Kenya
and in Africa. The collusion of
local, national and international
money is more and more In Ethiopia, it is reported government forces and
regalizing the disowning of that hundreds and thousands protesters.
people of their lands in the of farmers and settled
name of economic growth, communities have been Is the rise of violent conflict
development and investment. uprooted with many of them and loss of life inevitable?
It is a powerful partnership ending up homeless wretches Already too many lives have
to stand up against” So very in rural towns, villages and been lost and many more
powerful as is clearly evident urban centres. In the Omo destroyed by this Africa Land
in the unfolding tragic drama valley, home to some of the Grab 2.0, so is the rise of Mau-
in the Rift valley and Northern most ancient and rich African Mau Reloaded inevitable?
Kenya. It is a mad scramble heritage, the displacement of
even by locals to monetize thousands of these indigenous Are we not ALREADY giving
every little piece of ground as peoples has greatly elevated the to the hyena twice?
the pestilential fever spreads. potential for violent clashes. Andū aitū! Kaī tūngīhee hiti
In Sierra Leone, resistance to keerī?
DW reports that it is now corporate land grabbing by
certain that land grabbing in palm oil companies has led
Africa is fuelling conflict. to violent clashes between