Page 56 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 25
P. 56
Food health
The “Lost” Wild
Fruits of Africa
ARE THEY WILD OR JUST UNCORRUPTED? thrived with these fruits both as
Msingi Team food and medicine.
rankly speaking, we do not Masais and the many other
Fthink there is anything wild, nomadic communities that roam Anyways, here is a list of
including fruits. Wild fruits are the plains and savannahs of East African fruits considered wild.
just normal fruits that have not Africa with their cattle, these
been compromised or tampered so-called wild fruits are just 1. Aizen (Mukheit)
with by the greed of man. And normal fruits and for thousands The aizen or mukheit (Boscia
here is why we said so. To the of years, they have lived and senegalensis, Capparaceae)
occurs in a vast swath across the
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