Page 51 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 25
P. 51
Food health
weaponize these GMOs. Kenya, DRC, Mauritius, documentary on Zimbabwean
Consequently, these plants Ghana, Botswana, Lesotho, and African food quality issues.
should be regulated under the Swaziland and the question is, The public will eventually get
Plant Pests and Diseases Act in do they have the same GMOs, information on the results of
conjunction with the National glyphosate and chemicals we the tests from this documentary
Biotechnology Authority Act. found in their Zim food? when it eventually airs.
Many of our governments’
senior officials and regulators What’s in Innscor’s Additionally, a report is being
have abrogated their duty Food, Animal Feeds and compiled to inform relevant
to monitor and police food Condiments? governments and regulators
imports because allegedly they (A report) in countries where Innscor
receive kickbacks from big distributes its products, of the
monopolies not to monitor. As part of the Zimbabwe findings of our research.
They perceive these companies anti-sanctions movement, Furthermore, shareholders
as their allies, not realizing that prior to Innscor seeking a gag and stakeholders of the
by permitting transgenic food order against our Chairman, company will receive the same
imports, these companies could Rutendo Matinyarare, samples report detailing the results
be feeding biological weapons of Innscor products underwent and their implications for the
to our people unwittingly or laboratory testing in two environment and human health.
wittingly, on behalf of the same facilities in South Africa and
nations that imposed illegal France. These scientifically-backed
sanctions on us. However, results supersede any previous
without testing the food being These tests were aimed at court orders aimed at halting
imported into our countries, detecting GMOs; cancer “defamatory claims” against
African governments have no causing MSG, Glyphosate, Innscor, as they are scientific
way of knowing. pesticides, Bovine Growth facts that originate from
Hormone, Aflatoxins and other globally certified laboratories.
In a world where food began contaminants.
to be weaponized by Henry We are committed to keeping
Kissinger and the U.S. After several months, 80% all stakeholders informed about
government through the of the results have been the food we consume, as bad
strategy called NSSM 200, to received. These findings have food can be seen as a form of
control the world and reduce been presented in court to sanctions or warfare against a
dark populations -a strategy substantiate the claims made nation. In the words of Henry
that now sees GMO maize by Rutendo Matinyarare Kissinger, ‘Control the oil and
eating nations being the most regarding Innscor’s food you will control the nation:
plagued by HIV in the world- quality as factual and not control the food and I control
this is not just a Zimbabwean defamatory. the people.’
issue but a continental
challenge. #Innscor is Nonetheless, the decision has Report Written by ZASM team.
supplying feed, foods and fast been made not to release the
food, not only to Zimbabwe but results publicly, as an exclusive
to over 10 African countries deal with a media outlet has
that include Zambia, Malawi, been secured to produce a