Page 77 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 25
P. 77


          life protection and awareness.     With its sandy white beaches,      and majestic dolphins, Kisite

                                             swaying palm trees, and rich       Mpunguti is renowned as a pre-
          Kaya Kinondo Sacred Forest         Swahili culture, Wasini Island     mier destination for snorkeling
                                             presents an idyllic holiday        and scuba diving adventures.

          The sacred forest, the sole one    retreat. Visitors can indulge
          open to the public along the       in the flavors of the sea with     Kitzanze Waterfall
          Kenyan coast, holds profound       delicious seafood offerings
          significance as a revered place    and partake in a myriad of         Kitzanze Waterfall, located in
          of worship for the Digo com-       activities including snorkeling,   the heart of the Shimba Hills,

          munity. Revered for its potent     dhow-sailing, cruises, dolphin     Kenya, stands as a captivat-
          ritual energy, it offers visitors a   spotting, and sunbathing. With   ing natural wonder waiting to
          unique opportunity to immerse      its pristine beauty and abundant   be discovered. Tucked away

          themselves in the rich cultural    leisure opportunities, Wasini      amidst lush greenery and
          traditions of the Digo people.     Island embodies the essence of     pristine landscapes, this hidden
          Beyond its spiritual impor-        a perfect coastal getaway.         gem cascades gracefully, offer-
          tance, the forest provides a                                          ing a serene oasis of tranquility.
          serene setting for nature enthu-   Kisite Mpunguti Marine Na-         Its secluded location adds to

          siasts to enjoy leisurely walks    tional Park                        its allure, providing a peaceful
          amidst lush foliage and engage                                        retreat for nature lovers and
          in birdwatching, appreciating      Kisite Mpunguti Marine Na-         adventurers alike. As visi-

          the diverse avian species that     tional Park and Reserve, sit-      tors embark on the journey to
          call the forest home. Exploring    uated south of Wasini Island,      Kitzanze Waterfall, they are
          this sacred site offers a trans-   forms a stunning coral oasis ap-   treated to breathtaking views
          formative experience, fostering    proximately 12 kilometers off      and the soothing sounds of
          a deeper understanding and         the coast of Shimoni. Notably,     rushing water. Whether seeking

          appreciation of Kenyan coastal     it holds the distinction of being   solace in nature or embarking
          culture and biodiversity.          Kenya’s inaugural Blue Park        on a scenic hike, Kitzanze
                                             and is part of a global network    Waterfall promises an unforget-

          Wasini Island                      of 21 Blue Parks. Recognized       table experience immersed in
                                             for its exemplary marine life      Kenya’s natural beauty.
          Wasini Island, nestled just 3      management and protection, it
          kilometers from the Shimo-         was honored with a prestigious     Explore Kwale County’s pris-
          ni south coast, emerges as a       golden-level Blue Park Award.      tine beaches, vibrant culture,

          tranquil haven spanning a mere     This accolade underscores its      and stunning natural wonders.
          5 square kilometers. Free from     commitment to science-based        From Diani Beach to Shimba
          the bustle of cars and bicycles,   standards and conservation         Hills, this coastal gem offers

          this tiny island invites explora-  efforts. With its vibrant coral    adventure and discovery at
          tion solely on foot, promising a   gardens and diverse marine         every turn.
          serene escape from modernity.      life, including colorful fish

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