Page 80 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 25
P. 80


                                                                                Empowerment Bank a balance
                                                                                was struck on how the lending
                                                                                can be done starting even from
                                                                                smaller amounts. Capital is
                                                                                the major holdback for youth
                                                                                entrepreneurs. For some
                                                                                reason, giving a financial start
                                                                                and boost will go a long way
                                                                                in ensuring their dreams do not
                                                                                face an early death.

                                                                                Policies of all sorts are being
                                                                                implemented and promoted so
                                                                                that there is a sizeable growth
                                                                                of youth entrepreneurs not only
                                                                                in Zimbabwe but in her sister

          on opportunities and close on      Also, these goods and services     African countries as well.
          available gaps. Innovations        must be heritage-based as well.
          that add value to the rest of the   All these are major strides to    For Zimbabwe, this coincides
          populace are enabling countries    promote local industrialisation    with the Robert Mugabe
          to maximize that and improve       and to ensure idea generation      Youth Day celebrated on the
          their economic status take for     does not end on that point but     21st of February every year
          example developed countries        progresses to product or service   which serves to highlight
          such as China and the United       development. Students who are      the government is standing
          States of America.                 coming up with prototypes are      with the youths until eternity.
                                             proud of the mandate of the 5.0    Interestingly, this year’s
          In Zimbabwe, the government        doctrine.                          theme was Positioning  Youth
          has initiated that all institutions                                   Empowerment and
          follow the 5.0 doctrine. The age   Besides instructing institutions   Development Towards
          18 - 35 falls under the bracket    to follow this doctrine, our       Achieving Vision 2030.’
          of youths and most of them         Zimbabwean government in           Needless to mention, the
          will pass through the doors of     2018 ensured the operation         youths are the leaders of
          tertiary education. That said,     of the Empowerment Bank.           tomorrow therefore they need
          the doctrine is premised on        Actually, by its name itself,      to be aided to make the right
          the idea each research that a      it proves the bank is mainly       and sound decisions that will
          student does must come up          based on empowering the            increase the quality of life
          with commercially viable           youths to make something           for the masses. Creatively
          innovation. It must be of the      of their ideas business-wise.      coming up with commercially
          value of some sort if it doesn’t   This has immensely helped          viable innovations puts even
          add so to the available body       in lending issues of loans         the country on another level.
          of knowledge then there is a       which was a tedious task in the    Employment-wise, these
          problem of misalignment.           past given most do not have        other youth entrepreneurs will
                                             collateral. Henceforth, with       be able to aid in alleviating
                                                                                this growing scourge that is

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