Page 75 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 25
P. 75


                                                                                experiences for nature enthu-
                                                                                siasts. Visitors can embark on

                                                                                immersive nature walks, camp
                                                                                under the stars, and embark
                                                                                on thrilling game drives. The

                                                                                reserve’s abundant wildlife
            Chale Island                                                        includes vervet monkeys, sykes
                                                                                monkeys, hyenas, leopards, a
                                                                                plethora of bird species, and
          boat riding, snorkeling, jet       With opportunities for sailing     the endangered sable antelope.
          skiing, and even skydiving, it     and fishing aboard traditional     With its scenic beauty and rich

          caters to the adventurous spirit   dhows, Chale Island beckons        biodiversity, the Shimba Hills
          and relaxation seekers alike.      adventurers and nature lovers      National Reserve promises an
          Whether lounging on its pow-       to immerse themselves in its       unforgettable safari adventure

          dery sands, exploring vibrant      breathtaking beauty and coastal    on Kenya’s coastal plains.
          coral reefs, or indulging in       charm.
          thrilling water sports, Diani                                         Tiwi Beach
          Beach promises an unforget-        Shimba Hills National
          table experience immersed          Reserve                            Tiwi Beach is a tranquil trav-

          in natural beauty and coastal                                         el destination found on the
          charm.                             The Shimba Hills National          south coast. Compared to the

                                             Reserve, situated in the Kwale     neighboring beaches like Diani
          Chale Island                       district about 33 kilometers       Beach, Tiwi Beach is relative-
          Chale Island, nestled at the       from Mombasa, boasts one of        ly affordable and therefore a
          northern end of Msambweni          East Africa’s largest coastal      favorite for those looking to
          Bay, is a captivating gem divid-   forests. Home to iconic at-        experience the white sandy
          ed into two distinct sections:     tractions like Sheldrick Falls     beaches on a budget. It’s an

          the Chale Marine Park and For-     and the Mwaluganje Elephant        ideal location for snorkeling,
          est, and the resort. Established   Sanctuary, it offers diverse       swimming, and sunbathing.
          in 1995 to safeguard the coral

          reef encircling the island, the
          marine park is a testament to
          conservation efforts. Its pris-
          tine waters and vibrant marine
          life make it an ideal spot for

          snorkeling, allowing visitors to
          explore the underwater won-
          ders. Meanwhile, the resort          Shimba Hills

          offers a luxurious retreat amidst
          the island’s natural splendor.

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