Page 75 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 26
P. 75

Art & Culture

               were also built in such a way    body must abide by the          labyrinth was used to bring

               that they are connected to       material laws.                  brain into harmony with the
               the Orion and Sirius stars.                                      nerve centre of the universe
               This signifies the connection    The human body is a             and the eight gods that are

               between the cosmology and        microcosmic image of the        symbolized by the Bull and
               culture of the human beings      macrocosmic universe.           Seven Cows of Heaven as
               and the cosmic order.            The macro-microcosmic           well as the eight spheres of
                                                relationship is expressed       heaven. These consist of the
               The prefix ‘Bu’ stands for       in the Law of Analogy.          zodiac and the seven outer

               Materialism, and the suffix      This means the human            planets that link the zodiac
               ‘Ntu’ stands for Spiritualism.   body, on and by itself, is a    with the earth and humanity.
               Therefore it is Bu + Ntu =       miniature universe (Hermes

               Buntu. If there is connection    Trismegistus). This is the      Secondly, there should
               between our solar system         basis of the notion that says   be a balance between the
               and our human bodies,            ‘Man, Know Thyself’, for        Mind and the Body. There
               then there is definitely         if you know yourself, you       should be a balance between
               a connection between             automatically understand        the Spirit, Thought/Soul

               materialism and spiritualism.    the workings of the cosmic      and Word. This means the
               Contrary to the current          order.                          human personality should
               belief, this signifies the fact                                  be integrated within itself

               that there is a connection       The Human Body &                and into the living organism
               between the spiritual world      Its Connection with the         that is the universe because
               and material world. The two      Cosmic Order.                   disharmony within the
               worlds are interdependent.                                       physical causes disharmony
                                                At the material level, the      within the spiritual world.

               On the other hand,               eight chambers of the human     This nature of the balance
               Motshekga (The Path to           brain are symbolized by         is maintained by Ubuntu/
               Self-knowledge, October          the labyrinth. The eighth       Ma’at.

               2012) argues that the            chamber of the human brain
               spiritual body consists of       corresponds to the Bull of      In our human bodies we
               the ethereal or quintessential   Heaven, while the remaining     have 7 energy centres called
               element, while the material      seven chambers correspond       chakras. These energy
               body consists of the four        to the seven Pleides or         centres are connected to

               elements of water, fire, earth   circumpolar stars. At the       some of our celestial bodies
               and air. The spiritual part      physical level, the Bull of     (stars), such as the Orion,
               must abide by the Moral          Heaven corresponds to the       Milky Way, Sirius A, and

               Law that it inherited on         zodiac while the remaining      Sirius B.   Such energy
               its descent to the material      Seven Cows correspond to        comes from these celestial
               world, while the physical        the seven outer planets. The    bodies, and that is why the

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