Page 77 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 26
P. 77
Art & Culture
to develop and repair the In short, what was put in Conclusion
Pineal gland. Repairing place by God, will be there,
this gland, means cleansing undisturbed and unchanged Currently the knowledge
our epistemological and forever. And to go against we are consuming
ontological behavior, our it, is a sin (JK Ngubane; simultaneously is a
philosophy of life, our Ubuntu: Philosophy and combination of both
spiritual cosmology, etc, by Practice, 2017). This is what exogenous and indigenous
going through knowledge we understand through the knowledges, and the crucial
cleansing process. Because teachings of Ubuntu. challenge is to sift what is
our knowledges have been exogenous from what is
dirtied, and we need to Ubuntu, in reality, is a indigenous, for if we do not
cleanse them. universal divine law that is do that, an ‘other thought’ is
connected to cosmic order ever trapped in coloniality.
What is a Cosmic Order? and nature. As a result it Modernity puts everything
easily resonates with the in one highway that is
One of the teachings of indigenous knowledge being patrolled and guarded
order, transitional from the systems (IKS) because it by gate-keepers, making
ancient to the Christian is embedded in nature and sure that ‘other thoughts’
understanding, was a cosmic order, for nature do not cross the borders
doctrine that ‘nothing and cosmic order are one, and contaminate what is
could be out of the order hence Hermes’ maxim: theirs. African indigenous
of created things. What As above, So below. This knowledges, right now,
seems to us to be evil also resonates with the ancestral do not cross such borders,
exists in the framework of spirits, who are connected and as such, they are ever
order. So, if there were no to the cosmic order, nature relegated and museumized
hangmen, robbery would fill and human beings, and to by the colonialist gate-
the earth, and if there were ignore this is to lose the keepers. The rightful
no prostitutes, debauchery significance of who we owners of such trapped
would flourish. The same are. But more importantly, and diluted indigenous
Order applies to functions they are also connected to knowledges, Ubuntu
and duties of celestial our indigenous knowledge included, as a consequence,
bodies. It also applies to the systems. One of the duties lose their identity and
angels, including ancestors. of our ancestral spirits is to pride in themselves. As a
foster and promote Ubuntu consequence they have little
What applies to Heaven within the living, including sense of self-knowledge.
also applies to the Earth relatives and the entire
(Hierarchy and Order - community. The living are
Created Order - God, World, deeply connected to the
Evil, and Creation - departed ones.
ISSUE 26 | APRIL 2024 77