Page 76 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 26
P. 76
Art & Culture
Dogon people of Mali, here to control and direct us as of the cosmic cycles which
in Africa, who migrated humans. This should not be offset the extremes and
from Kemet (ancient Egypt) surprising because humans, maximums of the larger
in ancient times, were the actually come from the star more ponderous cycles
first on earth to discover the Sirius. That’s why ‘Bu’ which in their turn do not
star Sirius A, in their ancient stands for our outer material permit the quick and shorter
quest to know who they side and ‘Ntu’ stands for ones to run away with
are, but more importantly, our inner spiritual side. The themselves in influencing
to know how are they were Kemets (ancient Egyptians) the general climate and daily
connected to cosmic order. never made a mistake of weather.
Their creation myth, for separating the ‘ka’ and the
example, reflects the nuances ‘ba’, i.e. the body and spirit, The planets of our solar
of cutting-edge scientific which translates to ‘Kaba’. system accentuate these
cosmology, and finally this In our case, unfortunately, conditions produced by the
scientific knowledge is being we separate ‘ntu’ from ‘bu’. Sun and Moon. The Earth
recognized universally. Each one of us is equipped herself cycles through
with an infinitely powerful changes in the tilt of her
Thirdly, all human beings cosmic antenna in the centre axis, the inclination, and
have the Third Eye or Pineal of our brain. This Eye allows the eccentricity of her orbit.
gland that is situated on the us to directly connect to Above all these cycles and
forehead, between the two the spirits in the sky. It has conditions is the revolution
eyes. Some Kemets (ancient the ability to sense light in and rotation of our own
Egyptians) used to refer to complete darkness, manifest Milky Way galaxy.
this eye as the Eye of Ra. full colour imagined, Humans live on planet
This gland is connected also and speak to you through Earth, and therefore, they
to some celestial bodies, emotion or feelings. are affected, and what makes
including Sirius A star. them to be more affected
Connection between 7 is that they are connected
Spiritual and Material Chakras Centres and the to both planet Earth and
Connection Milky Way Galaxy the cosmic order. It was
goddess Amma who created
This energy connection The seven (7) chakras planet Earth through the PO
between humans and some centres in our bodies are egg of creation, according to
of the stars provide a connected to the Milky Way the Dogon Science.
channel through which the Galaxy, which means they Infinite wisdom and
spirit of our Creator god get their energies from there. knowledge is locked inside
enters into our inner selves. Looking up at the heavens, every human being, but to
This is how ‘Ntu’ gets into the Kemets perceived order really experience our ‘third
our inner bodies, with an aim and balance in the harmony eye’ potential we must begin
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