Page 70 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 27 Final
P. 70


               four countries (Zambia, Botswana,   periods - April/early May and   and Diners Club, are widely
               Zimbabwe, and Namibia) meet at     September/October - still tend   accepted.
               a single point mid-stream of the   to be dry, but the days are cooler
               Zambezi River.                     than in summer and the nights   Health

               The country lies between lon-      are warmer than in winter.     International Health certificate
               gitudes 20°C and 30°C degrees                                     of vaccination for Yellow fever
               east of Greenwich Meridian and     Rainfall                       is required from travellers or
               between the latitudes 18°C and     Rain falls during summer, the   through the countries which

               27°C approximately south of the    peak falls are usually reached   have been declared Yellow Fever
               Equator.                           during the months of January   Infected Areas.
                                                  and February.                  Botswana has a five tier health
               The country is situated in the                                    system comprising of health post,

               Southern African region and about   People                        clinic, primary hospital, district
               two-thirds of Botswana lies within   Botswana has a number of tribes   hospital and referral hospitals.
               the Tropics; it is bisected by the   across the country, collectively   Consultation in public health
               Tropic of Capricorn.               known as Batswana. The official   facilities are subsidized, citizens
               Climate And Seasons                language is English and Setswa-  pay BWP5 and non-citizens pay

               Botswana’s climate is semi-arid    na is the national language,   BWP50.
               though it is hot and dry for much   although there are other spoken
               of the year. The country experi-   languages.                     Media

               ences all the four seasons namely                                 The Daily News is the state-
               summer, autumn, winter and         Government                     owned daily newspaper, pub-
               spring.                            The country follows a multi-par-  lished in Setswana and English
               The summer season begins in        ty democracy and holds national   and there are also independent

               November and ends in March,        elections every five years. The   newspapers published in Botswa-
               bringing with it temperatures that   President is the head of the state   na.
               can sometimes reach a blistering   and The Government comprises   Radio Botswana and Radio
               44°C.                              three arms being; Executive,   Botswana 2 - both state-owned,

               The winter season begins in May    Legislature and the Judiciary.   broadcast nationally. Private
               and ends in August. Winter days    Botswana follows dual legal    radio stations namely; Yarona,
               are invariably sunny and cool      system, combining Roman        Duma, Gabz FM are also all
               to warm. However, evening and      Dutch law with customary law.  available in most of major towns

               night temperatures can drop below                                 and villages in Botswana.
               freezing point in some areas espe-  Currency                      Botswana Television, a state
               cially in the southwest. Sometimes   Botswana’s unit of currency is   owned media entity is avail-
               frost is common and small quan-    the Pula (BWP), which is di-   able to over 90% of Botswana’s

               tities of water can freeze. This is   vided into 100 Thebe (t). Major   population. eBotswana is the
               also the dry season when virtually   credit cards, including VISA,   only private television station
               no rainfall occurs. The in-between   MasterCard, American Express   in Botswana and is accessible

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