Page 72 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 27 Final
P. 72

Art & Culture
                  Art & Culture

       Artist: Naftal Momanyi  Media: Wood carving  Title:  Prison warden

                           ait! Is it possible   urinal pot was a bath tap for   calls it restoring, reinstating,
                           for anyone to        a silver female python snake    or restitution. A learned

               Wlose the earth                  nicknamed “madame.”.            friend will say it is unlawful
               and heavens too? A hilarious     Again, one time he traveled     possession of something
               chap in a single room placed     to his rural home to greet the   taken without permission. It
               a urinal pot next to his         cucu, and again the son of a    then applies to any African
               doorstep. While kicking his      man finally took his “kiki.”    art taken during colonial
               feet in the wee hours, the       Now, if the son of man          and missionary expansion

               son of a man tiptoed in and      feels empathetic and brings     in Africa to extend illegal
               stole the urinal pot. Early      back the urinal pot, it is      exports.
               in the morning, we heard         referred to as a “return.” It is
               a loud cry of a stolen pot,      bringing something back to      My auntie sobbed bitterly
               and we then knew it was a        its original form or place. If   whenever she felt her
               bequeathed heritage from         the son of a man brings back    singlehood family affairs
               cucu (Grandmother). We           his “kiki,” it will be called   were out of control. In her
               were further scared that the     “reparation.” The dictionary    prayer, she would accuse my

               |   we tell the true afrikan story
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