Page 61 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 29
P. 61


                                          “Knowledge is a garden. If it isn’t cultivated, you can’t harvest

                                                                                 it.” ― African proverb

               also allow Love to work His ways within          Why? A world that is run by cruelty,
               us. If we can recreate real justice, genuinely   bloodshed, greed, wars, etc. will soon run
               beneficial governance, and actual good           itself to death and complete destruction.
               plans for the people of Africa to thrive and     But this can change if we all go back to the

               succeed. If only we believe - then we can.       reason why we were created and placed on
               I do not think that anyone needs to be           this earth, which I believe strongly is not for
               reminded that we have enough hate in our         violence and destruction.
               world already. We have enough of those

               who will stop at nothing to destroy the          There are those who claim to love or who
               environment just so they can put more money      express their love for nature by doing forest
               in their already overflowing pockets. We         conservation or loving on their dogs and
               have enough jealousy, envy, violence, enough     other pets, but the same people don’t mind

               divorces, enough dysfunctional families, and     bringing contaminated food, disease-infested
               broken political systems that give awards to     clothes, and killer vaccines to Africa or to
               criminals and then the rotten justice systems    other places they call developing countries.
               that incarcerate innocent victims of overfed     Such love for nature and disdain for

               elites.                                          humanity can only be called foolishness and
                                                                wickedness. It’s just a veil hiding the real
               We have enough of everything that is wrong       heart. Dogs and trees don’t speak but humans
               in our world and, quite frankly, we need         can and will, and there lies the difference.

               a break from the norm, which has been            Within every one of us is the ability to
               instituted by the greed and pride of men. We     love or hate. Even Hitler and some of the
               need to return to the basis of brotherhood       most vicious and blood-thirsty dictators of
               and that basis is called love. Love is the       the world loved someone, either a family

               foundation of all created things, for out of the   member or whoever else. So, that our world
               fullness of the life of the Eternal One, we all   is in such a mess, is not because humans
               live, move, and have our beings.                 cannot love, but because our choices of what
               It’s about time we let love lead us into all     to extend love to are directly connected

               goodness and true prosperity. True prosperity    to our greed, ego, pride, and a benefactor
               that does not come from the oppression,          syndrome. Consider the so-called NGOs and
               manipulation, and subjugation of others but      philanthropists who in the name of love and
               through letting go of pride, relinquishing       compassion for the “poor Africans”, bring

               selfishness, walking away from greed,            into Africa a million dollars worth of aid but
               shunning violence, and race supremacy.           take out one hundred million dollars worth of

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