Page 62 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 29
P. 62


               blood-stained minerals, while plunging their     – often on a famed Basotho pony – is world

               host countries into untold devastation and       class and the infrastructure of the three
               chaos. These cycles of bloodletting in Africa    stunning national parks continues to improve.
               in the name of natural resources should not      An astonishingly beautiful country, this

               continue. Enough with the deceptions and         ‘Mountain Kingdom’ needs to be seen to
               greed.                                           be believed. Beautiful, culturally rich, safe,
                                                                affordable, and easily accessible from Durban
               Going beyond love for gain                       and Johannesburg, mountainous Lesotho is a
               How deceptive it is to love, or express love,    vastly underrated travel destination.

               for the sake of getting some gains in return.
               But this is what we mostly have in our           A Brief History
               world. Relationships which are not based         Lesotho was originally inhabited by local

               on selflessness, but instead are based on        tribes of hunter-gatherers called the Khoisan.
               individual greed and the quest for personal      Later came the Bantu tribes and eventually
               gains. Or what you can call transactional love   the Sotho-Tswana peoples. In 1822 King
               and relationships. These too are aspects of      Moshoeshoe I united the land under one
               the origin of evil in our societies.             rule for the first time. Lesotho (formerly

               In contrast, however, nothing beats the          Basutoland) was constituted as a native state
               beauty of little acts of love, kindness,         under British protection by a treaty signed
               goodness, compassion, good thoughts of           with the native chief Moshoeshoe in 1843.

               hope, thoughts of goodwill towards others,       It was annexed to Cape Colony in 1871,
               thoughts of prayers for the wellbeing            but in 1884 it was restored to direct control
               of others and of the world, etc., even in        by the Crown. The colony of Basutoland
               the midst of the huge darkness that is           became the independent nation of Lesotho on
               overrunning our world. It’s like the beautiful   October 4th, 1966, with King Moshoeshoe

               mountainous country of Lesotho, completely       II as sovereign. For the first 20 years, the
               surrounded by South Africa. But this is          Basotho National Party remained in power.
               not me saying that South Africa is the evil      The country has since had changes in power

               surrounding Lesotho, I am just trying to         and leaders with some protests and some
               paint the picture of the uniqueness of this      unrest.
               Mountain Kingdom called Lesotho in relation
               to how powerful small actions can be when        Prayer for Lesotho
               they are done in true love.                      In a world filled with much development

                                                                brought by much devastation of lives,
               About Lesotho                                    cultures, and societies, there remains a
               This is essentially an alpine country, where     need for those who still understand and

               villagers on horseback in multicolored           embrace the need for the simple things of
               balaclavas and blankets greet you around         life in relation to love, life, culture, and
               precipitous bends. The hiking and trekking       brotherhood. May you, mighty Lesotho, be

                 |   we tell the true afrikan story
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