Page 69 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 29
P. 69

Art & Culture

               fit to ask why 1+1 equals 2 but 1x1 equals       reverse the rejection. His patent was cited a

               1. But do you know that as simple as that        number of times by inventors and examiners
               question is, the correct answer to 1x1 and       true, but not for the reasons he thinks. Mainly
               the adjustment of world mathematics to fit       cited to distinguish THEIR patent from his

               the correct answer can crash the entire global   incredibly generic idea with no tangible
               banking and finance system? Including            product or method to execute.
               taxation, salary structures, insurance,
               everything connected to money, numbers,          Msingi Afrika Magazine: Accepted or
               and everything in between. But this a good       rejected patent makes no difference and that’s

               example of the power of one and the change       not even what this post is about. Should 1+1
               that one question can create in a world          equal 2 and 1×1 equal 1? That’s what this
               system that was created and sustained to raise   post is about. Share your answer.

               zombies and non-free thinkers.                   Joey Cortez: He actually said 1x1 = 2 which
               The same question can be asked; why is One       is wrong
               US dollar worth 132 Kenyan Shillings or          1x4 = 1+1+1+1 = 4
               why should the same One US dollar be worth       1x3 = 1+1+1 = 3
               1471 Nigerian Naira? Don’t let them give         1x2 = 1+1 = 2

               you stupid economics that makes no sense as      1x1 = 0+1 = 1
               to why that is, using indices that were created   In maths you don’t start at 1 you start at 0.
               by the very minds that want you in perpetual

               financial bondage.”                              Msingi Afrika Magazine: How does
                                                                multiplying 1 by 1 become 0? Where did 1
               Someone named Joey responded to the post         go?
               and a long conversation ensued between us. I
               am not going to edit the words of the post, to   Joey: Simple. Let me explain with an

               retain its originality.                          example: if you have 0 TVs and I give you
                                                                1 TV 1 time then you end up with 1 TV thus
               Joey: He’s quoted as saying on JRE that          1x1 = 1. 1 in this analogy represents the

               “The entire AR/VR [augmented reality/            number of TVs I’m giving you. The second
               virtual reality] world was built off of my first   1 is the number “times” I’m giving it to you
               patent” yet doesn’t know that in 1968 the        (which why we say 1 times 1) so you end up
               first virtual reality system and headset was     with 1 TV. If I give you 1 TV 2 times then
               invented by Ivan Sutherland and his student.     you end up with 2 TVs thus 1x2=2.

               Patents does not equal invented. Plus his
               patent was rejected. His patent was not novel    Msingi Afrika Magazine: Then it should
               or distinguishable from other established        not be called multiplication. Because if am

               patents so it was ultimately rejected. After     multiplying 1 tv by 2 that should give me 3
               rejection he did not follow through on           tvs. Or else what happened to the first tv out
               providing the requested information to           of which I brought out two?

                                                                                           ISSUE 29 | JULY  2024  69
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