Page 70 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 29
P. 70
Art & Culture
Joey: Ok let me explain 1x2=2 take a look at the foundational principles that
(multiplication) if you start with 0 TVs then I make up math when it’s not spinning and
give you 1 TV 2 times then you end up with confusing.
2 TVs thus 1x2=2, but what you’re talking
about in the above comment is if you start Joey: True just because we learned it in third
with 1 TV then in that case the equation grade doesn’t make it true but it doesn’t
would be 1x2+1=3 make it false either when it can be explained
which I did in my comments. That being said
Msingi Afrika Magazine: But there cannot not everything we learned in third grade is
be 0 tv. For anyone to call it tv simply means true either but at least multiplication is and
it exists. if it exists then it cannot be in the besides that the premise of my comments is
state of 0 which is the state of non-existence. that a lot of what Terrence Howard’s says has
If we want to multiply that which exists, we been proven wrong like his statement about
cannot start from 0 which does not exist. AR/VR and 1x1=2 for example amongst
But we all know there is no emptiness in other things so I would not take what he
space. So to start from zero is to say there is says as absolute truth the guy is talking a
emptiness in space. lot of nonsense. And 0 does apply to many
situations like the analogy I gave for example
Joey: So in my analogy, I stated you started you owned zero TVs when you were born
with zero TVs but I had 1 (which is the and did not gain 1 until you bought 1 or
existed TV) that I then give to you 1 time. No someone gave you 1. Or everyone before
one is born with a TV, so at one point in your 1900s owned 0 TVs because it wasn’t
life you had 0 but just because you had 0 TVs invented yet. Zero most definitely applies
doesn’t mean the TV didn’t exist. So now to other situations too. For I stance I have 0
you went from having 0 TVs to 1 because I experience living in Africa because I never
gave you 1 TV 1 time. Thus 1x1=1 no matter been there. See how that works?
how much you spin it the maths still adds up.
This is what we learn in the 3rd grade. Msingi Afrika Magazine: I understand your
point. But are you saying that the law of math
Msingi Afrika Magazine: This is the exact is not universal or absolute? Because if me
point of the post. That we learned it in third not having a tv means 0 and you having a tv
grade does not make it correct. Energy can means 1, that’s not being a universal law that
neither be created nor destroyed but it can says energy can neither created or destroyed.
be added to, multiplied etc. And like you Which in turn will mean that the result of
said about the tv being in existence before math is only worthy of the person who knows
it was given to me, that proves my point how to manipulate it for their intended result.
that we cannot start from 0 if 0 is a state of This also answers the question of why is
non-existence. And this is not putting a spin 1USD worth 132 Kenyan Shillings not just 1
on math but stopping the spin so that we can Kenyan Shillings.
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