Page 71 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 29
P. 71

Art & Culture

               The conversation with Joey is a bit longer       How does the US dollar that is not backed up

               than what I have shared but I am sure you        by anything have such power, while the fact
               got the point of the discussion. But one         remains that most of what the US consume
               quick question to pull out of his statement      are produced in China or outside of the

               is “When did the masses of the world agree       US. Who wrote the economic law that says
               that “1 gold piece equals 132 silver pieces”?    my country’s local currency can only take
               No one has ever asked us what we think           its worth from another country’s currency.
               about the so-called social contract that Klaus   And this is not a blame game but simple
               Schwab of the World Economic Forum keeps         foundational questions that can make us have

               talking about. Who wrote it and when did we      conversations.
               sign it and for what?
                                                                Larry: You raise profound and thought-

               Anyway, we also got a few more comments          provoking questions about the foundational
               on LinkedIn where the post was shared. Here      rules governing global economics and
               are a few of them.                               currency valuation. A country’s trade balance,
                                                                manufacturing base, political stability, and
               Larry: We all played a role in arriving at this   commitment to poverty alleviation can

               challenging situation, so there’s no need to     significantly impact its currency’s worth, as
               assign blame. If we had focused on locally       exemplified by China’s remarkable economic
               producing what we need and consuming our         progress over the past two decades.

               own resources, we may not have ended up in
               this predicament. Consider how few outsiders     Someone else called Brian also commented.
               wear or utilize our traditional clothing and     The conversation with him was even longer
               textiles, or partake in our local cuisine, while   and intense that others had to join in but at
               many of us eagerly embrace their imported        the end, he was quite furious and then wrote:

               foods and products. It’s an interesting          Brian: ...if you are not a mathemaician then
               dynamic worth reflecting on. Don’t you think     what makes you think discrediting thousands
               so?                                              of years of mathematical knowledge is right

               Msingi Afrika Magazine: Oh yes we
               agree that we all have roles to play in the      Someone named Gaurav also commented:
               challenging situations that we have found        Gaurav: It is perhaps time to move out of
               ourselves and I bet you we are doing             the framework of ‘economics’ that makes

               that daily. But that role is not just about      us account for life and nature in ‘capital’
               producing what we consume, even though           and ‘asset’ terms. It is perhaps time to
               it’s part of it, The question we are seeking     evolve a new framework within which we

               answer for is, but by what rule is what i        see the relationship between Nature, work,
               produced given value. Who sets the rule that     and our needs. Whether humans can prefer
               says my Naira has to be 1400 to a US dollar.     minimalism with the same enthusiasm as they

                                                                                           ISSUE 29 | JULY  2024  71
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