Page 25 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 3
P. 25
of purpose, lifestyle, careers etc of. The entire life of Jesus on earth
that we have in the world right now as an expression of truth was Him
is because most don’t even try to living out who He was before the
find out what their life is supposed foundation of the earth. He came
to be in God and then live out the to die in the physical the death He
physical reality of that which is in had died in the spirit before the
God. John 4 speaks about Jesus earth was created. Thus matching
and the woman at the well. Jesus both realities together as one.
introduced the true meaning of That’s the true meaning of life.
life to her using worship. But that Living a physical expression of
event wasn’t talking about worship your spiritual reality irrespective
in the sense of singing or music of whether the lifestyle chosen
that we have turned it into, for for you makes any sense to those
clearly there was no singing and around or not. I believe this is
music going on between Jesus also why we are admonished in
and the woman. And because scripture to listen to the voice of
Jesus said “the hour is coming the Spirit in our daily life. Why
and now is”, it means what He is that? Walking by listening to
was saying will come to pass and the voice of the Spirit allows our
also it happened instantly with the daily physical life to match with
woman. Clearly, immediately she our spiritual reality and by that we
understood the new narrative of know the mind of God which also
her life by her interaction with the is eternal life.
when he was on earth. He, Jesus, Christ, She left her pot, a symbol In conclusion, let us remember
didn’t try to do anything that was of what she thought life was before that eternity is recording every
not what God wanted. Meaning, she met Jesus and went into the single detail of how we live out the
he learnt and understood by the city to bring the men, which was physical expression of our spiritual
things He saw in God to live in a a symbol of her true life and reality.
certain way on earth, thus creating purpose. Instantly she became
a pattern for us to emulate. Living aware that her purpose was to So live right!
on earth will be beautiful if each give of the water of life that she
one will just stick to the divine had received, to others. For Jesus
plan for them and then create told her, not as a suggestion, but
a corresponding lifestyle that as a statement of truth that: “...
matches that divine plan. whoever drinks of the water that
I shall give him will never thirst.
Life redefined But the water that I shall give him
Life for me is from the usage of an will become in him a fountain of
acronym means Living In Father’s water springing up into everlasting
Expression. What does that mean life.” (John 4:14). Her physical
expression instantly matched up
really? It means life is about spirit
with her eternal reality and her life
and truth. Spirit in its simplest form
means knowing what is written of instantly made meaning. This is
you in the heart of God and truth what life and living is about.
means creating and living out the
I have heard many talk about
lifestyle or reality that matches
truth as a concept or some new
that which is revealed in Spirit.
Meaning that if what is written of found doctrine. But what I really
me in Spirit doesn’t entail having a don’t hear many say, is what truth
university degree, then I have no really means. Truth for me and as
the life of Jesus on earth puts it,
business creating a narrative of
is the physical faith expression of
university degree for myself. This
may not make any sense to many a spiritual reality in God. Meaning
overloaded minds who think life we should not talk about truth
is a competition for the supposed until we have understood spirit.
Meaning, you can’t live out in
little space on earth, and thus the
the physical the expression of a
need for high sounding degrees in
order to have an edge. The chaos spiritual reality you are not aware