Page 30 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 3
P. 30
where global space and resources have enhanced our survival are He ought to search into his origins
will belong to all and will be still threatened by strategies of and incorporate the Afrikan world
accessible to all, contrary to neocolonialism which are oriented view into his life today. This way,
the scenario where individual towards compromising not only our he will devise sustainable ways to
countries own use and control sovereignty but also our survival. handle the challenges of modern
their own resources. This means In view of the above concerns and living. The Afrikan world view is
the global space and resources realizations, there is urgent need a speculative philosophy where
will ultimately end up with those for us to reawaken to the realities of all that exists is interconnected
who have the intellect and the our times and do whatever it takes and interdependent. Thus, the
physical ability and capacity to to fully recapture our lost liberty, universe is viewed as a space
access them when and where they dignity and capacity to determine filled by diverse beings (human,
need them. Those who don’t have and enhance our destiny, survival vegetal, mineral, celestial, aquatic,
the intellect and physical capacity and wellbeing now and in the luminous etc.) distinct from
and ability to competitively access future. The entire world population each other. All these beings are
the resources will degenerate and is made up of distant descendants sustained and regulated by the
probably die out. It is survival for of the Afrikans, showing how much same order, a rational principle
the fittest. contribution the ‘backward people’ referred to as nature or God.
Afrika is said to have the poorest have made as far as the genesis
communities in the world, which of humanity and human civilization
put its on top of the list of “useless is concerned.
eaters” in the new world order Article 85 of the ‘Indigenous
strategies. ‘Useless eaters’ are Peoples Earth Charter’ states that
like parasites which must be, in ‘We must begin to heal from the
one way or another, exterminated grass roots and work towards the
to pave way for access of African international level.’ This is because,
resources to those who are historically, Afrikan indigenous
purportedly “entitled to it”. The peoples have been oppressed
expectation that those members and their rights suppressed and
of the ‘useless eaters’ who join violated, initially through slave
the club of the ‘masters’, will trade, later on through colonialism
access the resources left by the and neocolonialism. The process
exterminated ‘useless eaters’, are of healing, liberation and
advised to expound on the history reawakening requires a bottom-
of North America, South America, up planning, starting and ending
Australia and New Zealand and with the individual, families and
Canada to appreciate the irony of communities. The New African
their expectations. Renaissance is a reawakening
The Africoid/Negroid race is call for the enlightened Afrikan.
the most resilient and hardiest
race on earth. This is why they
survived mosquitoes, slavery
and colonialism. They are very
spiritual and generally believe in
and worship God, the Almighty.
By the grace of God the Afrikan
people survived slavery and
colonialism as indigenous people,
with a tangible amount of their
cultural dynamics still intact, and
lives to establish a sovereign state
unlike the Aboriginals of Australia,
the Native Americans of North
America, the Mayan Civilization Castles in ancient Axum kingdom. Axumite Emperors were powerful sovereigns,
of South America, the original styling themselves King of kings, king of Aksum, Himyar, Raydan, Saba, Salhen,
indigenous people of Canada, Tsiyamo, Beja and of Kush. Ruled by the Aksumites, it existed from approximately
all of whom were subdued and 100 AD to 940 AD.
literally wiped out. Certainly the various ancient castles found in Afrika do not portray an Afrika
The very cultural dynamics that that the world say is backward or lived in trees. We must change our narrative
by seeing the true picture of Afrika.