Page 29 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 3
P. 29
to Gloger’s Rule, warm blooded races descended from one. times that still stand the test of
animals are naturally pigmented The Afrikan historical continuity is time. They were replicated all
in hot and humid ecosystems. characterized by: Occupation of over ancient Rome after they
Afrikans are the only remaining ancestral lands, or at least part of conquered Egypt and somehow
native race that still exist and them; Common ancestry with the the glory of these very advanced
flourish in their native home. The original occupants of our lands; inventions was credited to, and
Afrikan sense of solidarity amongst Our culture in general or in specific is still today in history books, the
our people enhanced our survival manifestations (such as religion, Romans and the Greeks.
during the colonization rush, all living under a tribal system, Afrikan knowledge, skills and
over the world. The resilience is membership of our indigenous practices are an “existential”
exemplified by our survival during communities, dress, means philosophy, which for over
both slave trade and colonization. of earning our livelihood and 20 centuries have sought to
The colonialists subdued lifestyle); Our language (as mother understand the meaning of truth,
indigenous people of Afrika, Latin tongue being a habitual means of justice and the social order. In
America, North America, Australia communication at home or in the Afrikan traditional medicine,
and Canada and literally took over family and businesses located in disease is not only viewed as
the space and people as their our territories). Our continuous caused by infective agents,
subjects throughout the colonial residence in Kenya, East Africa or but is also associated with an
era. Many indigenous people anywhere in Afrika, legitimizes our imbalance in the body, society,
were literally wiped out more so Afrikanism. environment and the cosmos. Any
in Australia, Canada and North Afrikans, even to date, are remedy or disease management
America, making these continents social creatures dominated by should therefore be oriented
white man’s territory and indeed social relations that reinforce his towards these factors. Afrikan
an extension of Europe. equilibrium, his personality and his religion and religiosity integrates
The Grimaldi Man, the first being. However, this ideological all aspects of Afrikan life and, in
inhabitant of Europe, is said to structure is condemned by foreign particular, encompasses Afrikan
have been a black man. All other indoctrination and purported perspectives to holistic sustainable
races of the world are believed to modernization or civilization. development and prosperity.
be descendants of the black race Western culture idealizes a In 1894, the European nations
through both direct and indirect system where individualism were awakened and motivated by
affiliations. Referring back to the (man’s existence) is the only sure the reports of explorers of Afrika,
Gloger’s Rule, it is also true that way of life, a system where for to share and colonize Afrika the
the warm blooded animals living one to thrive another must suffer, ‘dark continent’. They infiltrated
away from hot and humid areas the system is commonly referred the land and subdued the humans
have no scientific reason to be to as a capitalistic way of life, and God-fearing Afrikans. They
pigmented and therefore the rise and is totally unAfrikan. In Afrika, took advantage of the Afrikan
of other races was basically an I am because you are and you humility, godliness and generosity
eventual ecological adaptation are because we are; a concept of and used the same against us.
that happened after the Grimaldi indigenous Afrikan socialism. Brutal force was used against
Man moved to and settled in Afrikan civilization in itself can those who resisted and millions
foreign lands. be traced back to Egyptian and of Afrikans died. Families were
It is ironical that no glory comes Sudanese history, “Ma’at” which disrupted and separated, with
from Afrika as being the cradle of roughly translated refers to justice, some family members shipped off
humanity and human civilization, truth and that which is right, the to foreign lands like goods, to be
implying that our history and same concepts which are the basis used as slaves. The Afrikan culture
existence is nothing but a mere of what the current ideal society that once graced the land, was
accident, it could have been operates on. In the 19th century, a condemned and therefore started
different if the Afrikan physical, non-Islamic people known as the falling apart and fading away and
geographical and ecological Dogon, at the heart of modern Mali, slowly fell into oblivion. Apparently,
conditions were not as they are. If created quite a stir because they only the Afrikans themselves
humanity originated in Europe, the traditionally taught their initiates can rejuvenate the black Afrikan
population would have been white about some complex astronomical philosophy and wisdom to enable
and as they migrated towards and theories that modern scientists us recapture our lost Afrikan
settled in areas near the equator concur with. Egypt is considered identity, dignity, integrity and the
over a few generations, they would to be the cradle of geometry in the glory of the cradle of man and the
have darkened to adapt to the whole world, with construction of human civilization.
conditions present. This simply near perfect structures in ancient The world is currently shifting
shows that all the world’s human towards a global village scenario,