Page 32 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 3
P. 32


                                                    The Reflections of an

                           hen    I   am
                           not    actively               Afrikan
                           writing,  I  find
                           myself actively
                           reflecting   on                                          By: Samuel Phillips
        Wvarious things,
        especially my home called Afrika. It  Afrikans prefer to go to expensive  The demon called corruption
        hurts to see her look so helpless in  Dubai’s fake sandy beaches. The  We  may  have  seen  corruption
        the midst of much ancient wisdom  white man comes to  Afrika to  only  from  the  space  of  money
        and knowledge; broken in the very  see nature and wildlife  and thus  laundering.  But  we  know  that’s
        face of strength; poor in the midst  creates  this  narrative  online  that  not  all  there  is  about  corruption.
        of plenty and so on and so forth.  Afrika is all about nature, wildlife  Corruption  is  death,  it’s  ill-health,
        Every time I reflect on the Afrikan  and communities that need and  lifelessness,     an    end,   futility,
        narrative, I get upset knowing that  depend on charity etc. The Afrikans  lovelessness,  and  a  direct  fruit
        the very solution to the problems  themselves see the outside world  of  sowing  to  the  flesh  or  fleshly
        of Afrika is within her. Not outside  as  the  greener  pasture  where  desires.  Flesh  is  evil  desire.
        of her. But because most Afrikans,  their fanciful dreams will come to  Corruption  is  the  direct  opposite
        even  those  in  government  have  pass. So the Afrikan doesn’t take  of  love.  Love  is  life,  love  is  God,
        been  programmed  to  see  what  a stand to develop and change his  corruption  is  death  and  it’s  the
        belongs  to  Afrika as inferior,  own home, while  the foreigners  god  of this world  who  trades in
        everything foreign seems to have  don’t give accurate representation  the souls of men. Corruption is an
        more  priority  than  that  which  is  of  Afrika, outside of it being  a  industry, an economic sector that
        local  (except  when  it  come  to  tourist center, a place to bring third  other industries are lost in. It’s like
        stealing  local money)... nothing  class  products,  while  calling  it  the  World  Wide  Web.  It’s  a  web
        much is being  done  to retell the  local empowerment, and as usual  that  holds  many  parts  together.
        Afrikan  narrative.  But  we  keep  alms begging villages. It keeps the  You  can  fight  it  all  you  want  and
        forgetting that the foreign goods or  narrative of a downtrodden Afrika  try  to  pray  it  away  until  you  are
        services  that  have  so  powerfully  going  on,  which  in  a  way  gives  blue in the face. And you can even
        caught our attention and become  constant fake news to the fake  arrest  every  corrupt  government
        our priority are local in their place  and elite-controlled media houses.  official or private officer and even
        of origin. Meaning that if they didn’t  We must return to critical thinking,  execute  them  but  it  won’t  stop.
        put  effort  in  making  their  locality  mindfulness,  love,  brotherhood  For until you begin  to deal with
        worth an international stake - they  and  the  very  act  of  Ubuntu,  in  the  evil  desires  in  the  hearts  of
        would remain local.                 order to break free from the matrix  men and their pursuit of the ever-
        The world system, from the days  created to subject the  Afrikan  elusive  happiness  (which  in  my
        of the colonialists created an Afrika  people to a loop of servitude.   opinion is not happiness in the real
        that  is tourism based, but  which                                      sense, but a sense of transient
        Africans  themselves  don’t  use.                                       emotional  fulfillment  which  has
    32                                 HEALING - RESTORING - REBIRTHING - AFRICA
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