Page 37 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 3
P. 37

Nigeria as a name                   will  sound  like  bad  music in  the  Why  is  Nigeria’s  Nollywood  the
        My  wife  is  a  Kenyan  who  loves  ears of many including those who  largest  movie  industry  in  Afrika?
        Nigeria  with  a  passion  I  don’t  profess to know how God thinks,  Why are the most popular fashion
        even think I have. Mind you, she  and  even  Nigerians  themselves.  brands in Nigeria?  The list  goes
        doesn’t love Nigeria because she  In  the  long  run,  it  doesn’t  really  on and on. And if you want to add,
        is married to me a Nigerian. She  matter if anyone understands it or  why is Nigeria considered as the
        was  already  in  love  with  Nigeria  not, the true reality of Nigeria as a  most corrupt in Afrika? The answer
        many  years  before  we  ever  met  trigger nation is so deep in the light  to  these  questions  is  simple.  It’s
        and in fact, she bore  Nigerian  of God that it will only take those  because Nigeria, by divine design
        names  before  I  ever  knew  she  who have been refined in light to  is  the  spiritual  trigger  of  every
        existed anywhere.                   see and to understand. For to the  aspect of the Afrikan narrative. To
        Knowing that Nigeria means dark  pure in heart, all things are pure.  make it clearer, Nigeria is like the
        area or area of  the Niger (Niger  And  as  scripture  says,  blessed  microcosm of  the macro  Afrika.
        means black), she recently started  are the pure in heart for they shall  Meaning  everything  that  Afrika
        calling  Nigeria by a new name.  see God. Meaning because of the  must become in all aspects of her
        She calls her Nuruland.  This I  purity of their hearts, they are able  life, both spiritually and physically,
        believe  is  her  true  name.  For  to see God in everything, including  must first be expressed by Nigeria.
        Nuru is Swahili word for Light. So  in darkness.                        Why is that you may ask? God’s
        Nuruland therefore means  The  Nigeria,          by      geographical  choice I think. It’s not what anyone
        Land of Light or the Lighted Land.  placement didn’t just happen to be  can  wish  away  nor  try  to  stop.
        In prophecy, that truly is the reality  in the center of the continent (Five  Now, the next question to ask now
        of  Nigeria the Nuruland.  This is  nations to the east and five nations  will be,  why is Nigeria the way it
        directly against the wicked hearts  to  the  west  of  Africa,  placing  is as regarding the negative image
        of those who so named Nigeria  Nigeria  right  at the middle)  It is  she has both within  Afrika and
        as an expression of darkness and  not a coincidence at all. In every  the outside world?  This question
        who by their ungodly hearts, intend  generation,  there are nations,  can answer itself without much
        for it to  remain  as  an  expression  people or persons that God uses  explanation, but I will try to explain
        of  darkness  both  physically  and  to  trigger new realities on earth.  as much as I can within the space
        spiritually. The effects of this dark  Such triggers often go through lots  of  this  article,  even  though  we
        reality have been clear and present  of ups and downs in order to bring  know that the great things coming
        in  the  narrative  of  Nigeria  since  them to the full manifestation of  out  of  Nigeria are much bigger
        1914, the year of amalgamation  their divine mandates. This is the  than the negatives.
        of the South and North of Nigeria.  picture  of  the  amazing  Nigeria,  According to an online definition, a
        For even after almost sixty years  blessed of God to trigger and also  trigger is something that acts like
        of  independence,  power  supply  manifest the way, the truth and the  a mechanical device in initiating a
        still  remain  epileptic  in  Nigeria.  life of God in Afrika. The night time  process or reaction.
        But this reality of darkness will not  of  darkness  and  silence  is  past,  Every  trigger,  be  it  digital  or
        continue, for out of darkness, so  the light and the sound of the Land  analog, in order to be operational
        gross and rotten will God call forth  of Light has come.                or effective as a trigger must first
        light and life that will stun many                                      be pushed or pulled back. Let me
        who think Nigeria will continue the  Nigeria as a trigger nation        put  it  this  way.  Every  time  a  gun
        way it is right now.                So let me show you something you    is  fired  for  example,  the  trigger
                                            might not have considered before    must go backward  in other for
        The reality of the trigger nation   now and which I believe will give   the gun to work. And so is every
        Many will not understand or will  us more context for understanding     button that triggers  anything.  It
        choose not  to  understand  what I  this article. I will show you in the   must  be  pushed  down  or  pulled
        am  saying about Nigeria.  Some  form of questions. In relation to      back to work. So what does that
        who have the life of God in them by  Afrika, why is Nigeria  the largest   mean? It means, every aspect of
        the Spirit of God will understand.  nation?  Why is Nigeria the largest   the African narrative that is being
        Some will  not. It is not because  producer of oil? Why is Nigeria the   triggered  by Nigeria  must take a
        they are not meant to understand,  home of the largest churches? Why    strong toll on her in order for the
        but  because  they  don’t  have  the  is Nigeria  the home of the most   other African nations to find their
        ability in them  to  see or judge  popular Afrikan worship ministers?   own  expression.  Why?  He  who
        outside of what their eyes or their  Why is Nigeria  the largest        must  ascend  into the  heights of
        senses perceive. So, the story and  economy? Why does Nigeria have      heaven must first descend into the
        the narrative of Nigeria as a nation  the largest number of  languages   lows of hell, in order for him to fill
        so blessed of God to be a trigger for  and ethnic groupings? Why is the   all in all just like Christ did.
        the spiritual emancipation of Afrika  richest man in Afrika a Nigerian?    I  do  not  claim  any  superior
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