Page 35 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 3
P. 35


        cycles where they roll out dancing  If it is taught in business schools,  relationships… based on the price
        monkeys to  try  and attract  more  and  taught  to  entrepreneurs  that  of drinking water (why does it even
        business.  Governments  suffer  the  ‘holy  grail’  of  business  is  have  a  price?  It  is  a  necessity
        because  they  now  have  fewer  profit  and  that’s  how  they  will  be  provided for freely by God! So is
        tax payers, therefore less tax, so  recognized,  be  appreciated  and  land.), based  not on the number
        they squeeze harder causing the  grow… guess what type of focus  of hospitals but on the number of
        businesses  to  repeat  the  cycle.  businesses will have?              those living in health because their
        Madness!                                                                environment, food and drink is not
                                            For  Afrika  in  particular,  this  is  a  poisonous to them. The freedom to
        But beyond  this dehumanizing  really  dangerous  road  to  travel  move around the continent without
        cycle is the actual cost of laughing  down. Why do I say that? A quick  fear of harassment because there
        employees  out  of  their  jobs  look at our claims to have ‘ubuntu’  are     opportunities   elsewhere.
        because they supposedly ‘couldn’t  at the core of how we think and  They must begin to redefine what
        cut it’ (gauged against some fake  how  we  approach  things  i.e.  I  success or economic growth really
        made-up     standard     designed  am because  you are (or a heart  means. Not  from  numbers  but
        to  cull), or cutting off  needed  of  compassion)  will  show  how  from actual life and living in liberty.
        supply to those who were already  far  removed  it  is  from  modern
        struggling. It’s that the businesses  capitalism and the current business  It’s about the people – it always
        do get richer (for a time) but society  template that many pursue. There  has been!
        is  much  poorer  for  it.  Wounded,  are businesses that pursue a ‘triple  I’m  talking  about  business  and
        impoverished financially, yes… but  bottom line’ approach where they  government unusual, that is about
        more so spiritually, relationally and  make  an  attempt  to  ensure  that  the  people.  Because  the  cost  of
        emotionally by the injuries inflicted  community welfare is considered  doing things any other way is the
        by a selfish system that seeks to  in what they are doing, and that  cost of our souls.
        gain for itself…  forgetting that it  is  commendable.  Sacrificing  wild
        is  part  of  a  larger  whole  made  profit  for  the  greater  good  is  not  To be unusual  in business  and
        up  of  the  very  people  it  exploits  a  popular  approach  at  all,  but  it  government,  like  I  suggested,
        as  consumers,  employees  and  does lend itself to sustainability.  means  that  you  have  to  strive  to
        suppliers.                          Absolutely and totally.             be different and  to be  different
        At the end  of the day, the basic                                       simply  means  you  have  to  be
        humanity of our society is afflicted  And I’m not talking about CSR or  more  people-oriented  than  profit-
        in  the  mindless  pursuit  of  profit.  CSI or whatever feel-good name it  oriented  or road construction
        Mark 8:36-37  “For what will  has these days. I’m talking about a  oriented. You must be a long term
        it  profit  a  man  if  he  gains  the  business choosing not to make $1  thinker,  rather  than a  short  term
        whole world, and loses his own  billion in a year and opting to make  profit and glory hunter. For all this
        soul? Or what will a man give in  maybe half of  that because they  to be achieved, it takes one who
        exchange for his soul?”             want  their  employees,  suppliers  has walked away from cowardice.
                                            and  communities  to  thrive.  I’m  Meaning  only strong, bold and
        If  it  is  evident  to  the  consumers,  talking about governments opting  brave people do real business or
        employees  and  suppliers  (and  it  to reduce the tax burden on their  governing  that  puts  the  people
        is)  that  what gets  rewarded and  citizens because they are people  first…there are too many cowards
        celebrated  is  heartless  behavior  (not slaves) thereby allowing them  out there already. Only too willing
        that  puts  money  above  people…  to  have  some  room  to  breathe,  to embrace the status quo and
        guess what the  society  will  plan  and  grow.  I’m  talking  about  insist that because ‘that’s the way
        engender?                           basic  concern  for our  neighbors  it’s always been done’ then ‘that’s
                                            in  every  approach  we  make.  A  the  way  it  must  remain’.  That
                                            c-suite  that  opts  to  take  a  hefty  capitalism  or  socialism  are  the
                                            pay-cut  permanently  (and  not  isms by which the world must live
                                            one that  is announced  to  the  and die.
                                            world through  PR)  so  that  some
                                            employees can keep their jobs and  For Africa to succeed, she needs
                                            feed  their  families. A  government  to be so invested in the success of
                                            that does not measure its  her people that she throws the rule
                                            success or economic growth on  book  out the window  and  begins
                                            GDP  (I  wonder who taught them  again, but this time from the heart.
                                            these things?) but based on the  And that heart is you and me.
                                            actual  living  standards  of  all  its
                                            people,  their  mental  health,  their  Originally published on
                                            community health, the quality of
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