Page 34 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 3
P. 34


         The Truth about

                       Chioma Phillips

          sn’t  that  the  primary  driver  of  that  customers  will  never  really  and  mishandle  employees  for
          businesses,  governments  and  get  a  fair  price  and  citizens  ‘not  doing  enough’  towards  the
       Ipseudo-businesses  around  the  will not really get a break from  ‘bottom-line’  in  a  situation  where
        world? Profit. Total revenue minus  governments.  No.  They  will  get  they  have  increased  targets  and
        total  expenses.  The  singular  ‘value for money’, or convinced to  shrinking markets to contend with,
        pursuit  that  provides  people  in  do  it  ‘for  the  greater  good’  which  finance officers to mishandle and
        the  world  with  the  drive  to  get  is another  way of saying  that  manipulate  suppliers  …  all  the
        up  every  morning  and  repeat  they will be charged  as much as  while  calling  it  savvy  business
        mundane  tasks  into  oblivion  and  possible  while  being  given  some  know  how…  the list goes  on.  At
        absolute    mindlessness.    That   small  trimmings  on  top  so  that  the  end  of  the  day  they  receive
        creates  corporate  structures  and  governments    and   businesses  accolades in the form of awards or
        requires corporate governance so  can  assuage  their  corporate  guilt  ample  news  coverage  about  just
        that no one gets too greedy in their  at charging so much in order to  how ‘successful’ they are because
        pursuit such that they turn on and  please  their  shareholders  with  their  ‘profit’  has  shot  through  the
        cannibalize  the  very  organization  profit  –  or  pay  themselves  such  roof…  or  they  recovered  from
        they are said to be serving.        hefty salaries.                     a loss-cycle. In other words –
        And  this  pursuit  has  birthed                                        rejected basic human compassion
        countless  strategy  upon  strategy.  One   company     exec    once  in order to grow their bottom line or
        Business strategy,  sales and  confessed  about  the  ‘ridiculous’  feed a development agenda that is
        marketing strategy, HR strategy,  profits  they  were  making  on  one  fueled purely by ego. After all, it’s
        financial   strategy,   operations  particular  line  of  business.  Partly  not personal, it’s just business (or
        strategy,         communications    embarrassed  and  partly  proud  at  development).
        strategy,  IT strategy,  PR and  their ability to dupe the consumer.
        Advertising   strategy,   internet  Some  governments  tax  their  The Real Cost of the Pursuit
        strategy,  social media strategy…  people into the ground, all the while   of Profit
        subset  upon  subset  upon  subset  paying  public  ‘servants’  sky  high   Already struggling families forced
        of  maneuvering  all  aimed  at  amounts and misappropriating the       to  tighten  their belts when one
        providing  their  companies  or  rest.                                  parent’s  income  stream  is  cut
        governments (which are really run  The  quest  for  profit  has  led    off.  Fewer  purchases  made  of
        like companies these days – and  to  many  businesses  opting  to       already  over-priced  goods  and
        I  used  to  think that  was a good  increase   prices,   governments   services.  Inability  to  afford  basic
        thing) with the winning edge. The  to  increase  taxes,  companies      necessities or get your family the
        end  game?  Profit.  Because  with  to  cut  corners  in  production  or   care  they  need.  Health  impacted
        it comes ‘prestige’ or the love and  service  quality,  employers  to  fire   by stress or poor diet. Businesses
        worship of men.                     workers  so  they  can  have  more   suffer  because  they’re  not  able
                                            for themselves and their well-paid   to  generate  more  revenues  and
        The pursuit of profit has ensured  c-suite,  employers  to  threaten    so  they  go  through  spending
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