Page 71 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 3
P. 71
knew that she didn’t need prayer part of it. Especially when we
to receive a better husband after have no personal gain from such
having six; neither did she need thoughts. But this is the way of
physical water from the well, but a compassion that comes from
connection to that Divine Husband selflessness and a true heart
who would cause a spring of the of Mindfulness. We must learn
water of life to flow from her heart again how to think and meditate
in an instant. And as the story on others. Life was never meant
concluded in John 4, we see how for each one to live on an island
the new flow of the wellspring of of some sort, but that through
life within her brought a whole love, compassion, mindfulness,
city to Christ. We see this act of kindness, goodness and
compassion again in the story of brotherhood, we all can rise
the man at the Beautiful Gate. He to our best potential. I am not
expected alms from Peter and saying I have perfected this
John as they were entering the reality in myself, but if you ask
temple, but instead of giving him me, sincerely speaking, I spend
silver or gold, they gave him what my day thinking of others more
he really needed - healing. That’s than I think of myself, even if I
true compassion. It is engaging, don’t have the many resources
time taking and very heartfelt. The needed to fulfill whatever it is I
way of compassion goes beyond am thinking about them.
some pitiful response to some For Afrika to rise to her true
pitiful situations. There is what is potential as the land of the
deeper in every man’s heart that sound of God, what makes for
only those who can communicate godliness must be embraced
with such hearts can unravel. once more. For if we don’t
Many years ago, the Lord asked embrace that which makes for
me if I knew the reason why there godliness and righteousness
is lots of trouble and weirdness before God, the next generation
in our world. Of course I didn’t of Afrikans will not have a base
have any answer to give Him. So or foundation to rise and build
He said it’s because men do not upon.
meditate on other men. Now that
was the strangest answer for such Think about it.
a popular question. For in my head
we are supposed, according to the It’s interesting to note that
Bible, to meditate on the word of an American businessman
God. But seeing my confusion, the has launched a project to
Lord went ahead to explain that teach children in school about
man is also the word of God made compassion. Are these the
flesh just like He, Jesus, was the nations that Afrika is trying to
word of God made flesh. For the model herself against? To come
same word of God that said a virgin to the point where compassion
shall be with child and shall give is no longer a natural outflow
birth to the Messiah (the word of of who we are along the lines
God that became flesh) also said, of Ubuntu and be forced to turn
let us make man in our own image compassion into a theoretical
(the word became flesh when God subject in a classroom, is a crisis.
made man in his own image in the This means that children in the
beginning). In other words, there is US are lacking role models to
lots of evil and trouble in our world emulate, which is their primary
because men have stopped being way of learning; to see an adult
selfless. We simply have stopped or a peer modeling behavior
being humans. We can’t even for and to imitate them. We must
once think about the success or deeply examine our culture and
progress of another person not to urgently address the cracks we
even talk about practically being have allowed to form.