Page 76 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 3
P. 76
of a fugitive and a vagabond are It is a fact that man has been able Afrika as well.
to seek safety and sustenance to till the ground and eat of its A true rebirth and reversal will
at all times - without reference yield for these last thousands of only happen when the solutions to
to God. The disobedience of years but the redemption cannot production of food and other crops
Adam and Eve downgraded their be said to be complete because stops relying on the knowledge of
assignment from overseeing and the curse of being a fugitive and man and is influenced by those
taking possession of the garden, a vagabond remains. When we till who rely on the superior wisdom
to one of toil and battling thistles the ground to grow our food, may based on God’s counsel.
and thorns before they could eat. we remember that we must imitate For it is very clear that we are in
The sin of Cain further cursed man Christ in doing only what we hear the days of Noah, Lot and even
to seek only safety and food like our Father say. Then we must do of Cain. For of Cain, God said
an animal. But God in His mercy what we hear. We must seek His he will be a vagabond (someone
and love had a plan of restoration counsel in practicing our farming who goes from place to place
and rebirth of man to his position as in all things. without a home) and for the
as an overseer and possessor of The Kingdom of God seeks last day generation, it is written
His creation. establishment even in the farms thus… “many shall run to and fro,
The entire world system has been of the Afrikan farmers where use and knowledge shall increase.”
subjected to death based on the of pesticides and herbicides and Daniel 12:4. There is a to and fro
model of Cain, who built cities and conventional methods of farming movement all around the globe,
things for himself, but outside of have spread fast and have people doing all they can to run
God. The presence of God is Life, degraded the soils of the continent away from life’s issues, but with no
His absence is death and that’s in the name of “progressive” Godly solution to the issues they
exactly what the world system has farming. Governments want more face daily. It’s time to listen to the
created. fertilizers used on the farms even will of God for a better world.
When Noah was born, his father in the face of diminishing yields in Having gone through the various
pronounced a prophecy that he the last 30 years of using them. issues we have in farming from
would bring comfort concerning When solutions are sought for a spiritual stand point for the first
the toil of their hands and the this, western chemical companies three issues, it is now time, from
ground that had been cursed. offer genetically modified seeds, the new year of 2020, to show and
This eventually came to pass GMOs. These are seeds that teach practical aspects of how to
when Noah obeyed God and have been genetically modified to redeem the land back to true and
walked with Him until the world withstand pesticides. In the USA healthy farming, using simple but
that was, was washed away and pesticides have been so widely time tested, God-given practices.
there was witnessed a rebirth of used in growing corn and wheat This I will do as God gives grace.
the earth when the flood waters that the general health of the 2020 promises to be a remarkable
receded. Noah’s burnt offerings population has been affected. And year in all areas but especially in
floated a sweet soothing aroma we are beginning to see that in the area of healthy farming.
that touched God’s heart and He
declared that He would never
again curse the ground for man’s
sake and that as long as the earth
remained, seedtime and harvest
should not cease. The bible says
that Noah began to be a farmer
and he planted a vineyard and it
brought forth fruit and he was soon
able to drink of its wine. The ground
that he tilled gave up its strength
to him, proof that a reversal of the
curse had taken place and harvest
time had followed seed time
according to the covenant that
God had made with all creation. It
did not take long for man to attract
a curse on himself however, for
had God Himself not said that the
imagination of a man’s heart is evil
from his youth?