Page 81 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 3
P. 81

Living simple: Overcoming Frustration                                   the hand of God. It’s a life devoid
                                                                                of  selfish  aspirations,  devoid  of
        BY: SAMUEL PHILLIPS                                                     goals that are detrimental to truth.
                                            frustration started.                It’s  a  life  that  sees  and  receives
                                            The Lord asked, “Why are you  the mind of God as the only mind
        We  live  in  a  world  that  is  very  frustrated?”  No  answer  came  to resort to for choices, decisions
        daring  and  quite  unapologetically  to  mind  at  first,  so  the  teaching  and plans. Meaning it’s a heart that
        frustrating.  From  the  frustration  continued. The Holy Spirit started  knows that there was a plan from
        that comes from dreams not  being  painting a picture in my heart about  before creation and which each
        fulfilled,    to  plans  not  going  the  how frustration happens to us. He  man  has  been  called  to  live  out
        way they are expected to go and  made a distinct difference between  within the space of their journey on
        the many other things that plague  when  I  first  came  to  the  beach  the earth. Life is not random, nor is
        each day of a man’s life on earth.  walking on the loose sand, without  it unplanned by God. We just have
        For lack of words to use, frustration  being frustrated, and how walking  a world full of those who think God
        can be really frustrating, especially  on the  same loose sand this  is dead and thus their lives belong
        when almost all the time one can’t  second time made me frustrated.  to them.
        seem to fight his way through it or  He put it this way. ‘When there is
        away  from  it.  However,  I  believe  no corresponding match between  Overcoming frustration
        God has a word for someone and  the  mental  picture  in  our  minds  The following are not necessarily
        everyone  who  is  going  through  and the actions on the outside,  the only things we need to know
        frustrating moments.                and time is ticking, it creates  about dealing  with frustration,
                                            frustration.’  Meaning,  it  was  easy  but  they  can  give  us  a  start.  To
        How frustration happens             to walk on that loose sand when  overcome  frustration,  one  should
        Almost  everything  I  write  comes  there was no rain coming without  consider doing these few things:
        from the learning I get when I go  feeling frustrated because I had all  1.  Live  totally  connected  to  that
        for my early morning walk or jog.   the time I needed to use, but the  which is beyond life in the physical
        On this particular morning, I went  moment the time factor came into  and which only a walk of faith can
        to walk on the beach.  The tide  the equation, by the way of the rain  give.  See  beyond  this  world  and
        was out so the sand was a lot  that  was coming, frustration set  live beyond its borders of time.
        and was very loose. Walking was  in. The real physical action of me  2. Give the control of your life to
        not so easy because of the loose  running slowly on the loose sand  the One who made you and who
        sand. I walked down to the end of  didn’t match the mental picture of  knows what He intended for you
        the beach  and  sat watching  the  me running fast.                     before you were made. That men
        vast sea as far as my eyes could  This  explanation  made  practical  choose  to  be  godless  doesn’t
        possibly  see.  After  a  while,  the  sense to me. I began to understand  make God ungodly.
        cloud  started to change.  It was  clearly that  oftentimes we get  3. Remember to respond in love to
        going to  rain.  Initially I  thought  frustrated when we set goals and  situations and not react to them.
        it  was  just  a  passing  cloud.  But  aspirations for ourselves or others,  4. Renew your mind about
        obviously it was not, because from  and  when  they  don’t  go  the  way  expectations,  either  by  way  of
        where I was seated, I could see  we want or think they should go,  what  you  expect  of  yourself  or
        the  cloud  in  the  distance  above  we lash out in frustration and get  what others expect of you.
        the sea and the rain had already  depressed.  Especially  when  time  5. Know that to make mistakes is
        started there.                      doesn’t stop to say, “How are you  ok and to accept correction is not
        Where  I  was  seated  didn’t  have  doing today?”                      demeaning.
        much  covering,  so  I  would                                           6. Know that your life is God’s plan
        either  have  to  make  my  way  to  Expectation,      Time      and    and He knows what your journey
        somewhere with some shelter or  Frustration                             should be.
        run home before the rain caught  Sometime ago, I saw this writing  7.  Live  simply  and  also  love
        up  with  me.  I  decided  to  do  the  on a wall  which  says “life is a  simplicity.  Life  is  full  of  dead
        latter. I started running.          journey,  plan  for  it”.  That  made  weights  which  men call  luxury.
        I was bent on running  home,  natural  sense  but  to  my  spiritual  You, just simply journey His plan.
        but the  loose  sand of  the beach  mind it didn’t. Instantly, what came  Of  what use is  life without  God
        prevented  me  from  running  fast  to me was “Life is His plan, journey  and  of luxury when  it will  be  laid
        enough.  The  more  I  put  effort  it.” The difference between the two  down some day anyway? For the
        in to run, the more I was slowed  statements I am sure is as clear  moment a man drops dead, such
        down by  that  loose sand.  I  was  as day light. One is a life lived by  becomes  another  dead  weight
        getting frustrated and tired.  The  plans and aspirations with lots of  called CORPSE.
        rain caught up with me, so I had  goal setting, but which may not be
        to branch off to a nearby shelter. It  connected to the mind of God for a  Think about it.
        was then that the teachings about  man. The other is a life lived from
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