Page 82 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 3
P. 82


                         ertainly  Ngong    of  armed  rangers,  to  protect  the  finder  of  a  professional  digital
                         Hills  on    the   hikers  from  wildlife  and  people  camera  to  capture  a  landscape
                         fringes of Ngong  who, quite sadly, use the hills for  photo.  I  remember  being  very
                         town  in  Kajiado,  nefarious purposes.                excited about that day, especially
                         Kenya          is  Ngong Hills may mean  many  when  my  first  landscape  photo
                         beautiful. Made  things  to    different  people,  but  subject was the amazing  Ngong
       Cup                    of    seven  for  me,  it  simply  reminds  me  of  Hills with its assortment of scenery,
        hills,  it  derives  its  name  from  where  I  took  my  first  shots  with  gigantic windmills with larger than
        the Maasai language.  Ngong or   a  professional  DSLR  camera.  life blades, that cut  through the
        Enkong is a Maasai word meaning   If  you  are  conversant  with  the  never  ending  strong  wind  that
        the knuckles of the hand of God.  professional      digital   camera,  surges  over  the  hills  of  Ngong.  I
        This is because the shape of the  you  will  know  that  it  has  various  remember  running  from  one  part
        hills resemble the knuckles of a  shooting  modes,  depending  on  of the first hill to another pushing
        person.  Folklore  has  it  that  God  what  you  want  to  capture  and  the camera capture button. I took
        rested there and when He got  your level of skill with the camera.  lots of photos. Did I tell you I was
        up,  He  placed  His  knuckles  on  Modes range from auto, to aperture  shooting  in auto mode? Oh my
        the ground to push up from, thus  priority,  to  shutter  priority,    to  God... I hated the outcome.
        forming the hills.                  manual.  For  many  professionals,  Have you been in a situation where
        The hills are ideally situated to give  manual  mode  is  the  preferred  you spend your money to buy what
        one a view of Nairobi city from its  shooting mode and that’s because  your heart has always wanted,
        peaks and also the various Great  it  gives  you  total  command  over  dashed  home  to  unpack    only  to
        Rift Valley mountain  ranges and  the  camera,  especially  when  you  realize that it all got damaged while
        the valley itself to the West. Ngong  want to  control the outcome of  you were en route? Or you didn’t
        Hills is also the location of a major  your shooting. Nothing is as sweet  even buy the actual thing you had
        wind farm.                          and  beautiful  as  when  you  finish  wanted? That’s how my first photo
        Many come to the hills to hike,  a work of art and it resonates the  shoot at Ngong Hills was.
        share meals with friends, pray and  exact mood or message you want  Because I didn’t know better than
        spend  time  together.  Often  these  it to send. Art has such power to  to use the auto mode and because
        hikes,  especially  those  that  take  either make one or break one.    of the time of the day (the sun was
        one  deeper  into  the  seven  hills,  For me, Ngong  Hills  was where  blazing) the camera was  using
        need to be made in the company  I  first  peeped  through  the  view  automatic settings that literally
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