Page 85 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 3
P. 85
reason for coming here is that themselves from harmful insects converts it into fat (stored energy).
these trees you see here, they and germs. They are found in He says that one way to cut this
are proper forest; we have 480 forests and vegetables and fruits excess is to reduce carbohydrate
species of trees. That is huge. And as well. Forest bathing has been intake.
what happens is that all these trees found to lower stress, control blood The group has a different style of
together they protect themselves sugar, improve concentration, celebrating their birthdays from
also from diseases like we do. reduce pain and improve immunity. cutting cake. They tell us that
These trees produce a compound Mr. B added that, ‘Our bodies Afrika and cake were not part of
called phytoncides. Each different have lost that characteristic of our traditions, we didn’t have those
from the other and together they breathing deeply because the things. They have now taken up
combine also, so they create a body is defending itself from toxic growing of trees in order to restore
collective dawa [medicine] for air when you’re in town. So, when their environment. They plant
raising immunity so that each we get a place which is super- seedlings according to the number
tree can now defend itself from oxygenated, you can renew your of years of age of the individuals
diseases. If those phytoncides cells by breathing a double intake in groupings divided into three
raise immunity of the trees, the of oxygen. Many cells die because seasons per year.
question is, does it affect human they are not oxygenated but when Mr. B speaks of a friend of his who
beings? Yes. Research conducted you come here and you have time he saw struggling with the vagaries
by Japanese doing what they are to be in a forest, don’t be in a hurry.’ of old age and says he started
calling environmental medicine Co-founder, Paul, says that thinking very deeply and he asked
found lo and behold these he developed outdoor fitness himself, “Should we age like this?”
phytoncides also raise immunity because he noticed a lot of people He determined that we have to age
of human beings and in addition, are getting tired of the gym, but gracefully, realizing that people
treat many other conditions. They when you’re exercising outside lived longer and healthier before
prescribe forest visits like, “visit a you actually get more energy than they were told that they had to
forest and be there for two hours when you’re in the gym. One tip start going to the hospital, adding
every alternate day.” ‘ he shares with us is that 60% of that it means there is something
According to research we did people’s weight comes from what we need to rediscover.
online, Phyton means plant and they eat, but don’t use, so the body
cide means to exterminate. So
these compounds are produced
by plants to help them protect