Page 87 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 3
P. 87


                                                                                invested. That’s what can happen
                                                                                if Afrika will sit at one table of truth
 TWO SIDES OF A COIN                                                            and sincerity and make out selfless

                                                                                plans  that  will  rewrite  the Afrikan
                                                                                narrative.  Simply  put,  let  Afrika
                                                                                stop  defining  herself  from  the
                                                                                stigma of slave trade, colonialism
                                                                                etc., those are old stories only fit
                                                                                for the dustbin.
        know  that  my  wife  too  had  paid  1960. It  was during what  China   A while ago I saw these statements
        attention. For the minute I started  called  The  Great  Leap  Forward   online. They are believed to have
        typing  a  few  things  about  their  Period,   created   to   activate   been  spoken  by  the  Russian
        conversation  in  my  note  pad,  I  Chinese Industrialization, in order   President Vladimir Putin. I do not
        saw my wife doing the same in her  to remove China’s dependency on      know  for sure the credibility  of
        phone.  Obviously,  she  was  also  the Soviet Union. The report had    this statement, even if it’s not him
        interested in the comments about  this to say:                          who said it - it captures something
        the SGR train.                      “Economic  development  under       about  the  Afrikan reality  that we
        I sincerely have no issues with the  the People’s Republic  of China    must change. It says...
        Chinese  man’s  comment  or  joke  government started with about 150    “Africa will never be independent.
        and  neither  do  I  have  any  issue  development  projects planned,   Africans  believe  in  Europeans,
        with the train being slow or old tech,  financed and staffed by the Soviet   Americans  and Chinese more
        at least it’s one of the few that is  Union.  When  political  ideological   than  themselves–they  don’t  trust
        working in Afrika. And I am grateful  differences between Mao Zedong    themselves  at  all.  A  white  man
        for that. I am however concerned  and Nikita Khrushchev led to a split,   will  commit crime in  Africa but
        for Afrika and my Afrikan people.  the  15,000  Soviet  engineers  and   no action  will be taken because
        You  may  likely  guess  where  this  staff on the development projects   African  authorities  view  us  as
        article  is  going,  but  I  really  don’t  were withdrawn and the blueprints   semi-gods,  far from the truth.  A
        mean anything harmful to anyone.  for the projects destroyed. China     black man can be abducted in
        I always have this question. What’s  did not have the technological and   Europe,  get  harassed  or  even
        wrong  with Afrika?  What’s  wrong  financial  resources  to  complete   killed, but  no  African authority
        with Afrikans?  What’s  the  use  of  these projects on its  own and    will  question.  Africans  present
        having so many educated people  Mao Zedong was made conscious           themselves  as  weak  people  with
        in  Afrika without much change  of  how vulnerable  China was in        no  hope  especially  when  dealing
        happening?  The  list  of  questions  depending upon outside aid, even   with  Europeans  and  Americans.
        bugs my mind. However, the most  from communist regimes. It  was        They are their own enemies. They
        important  question  I  ask  myself  then that the conviction developed   hate each other and that gives their
        is;  how  did  China,  as  a  nation,  with Mao that China  would       colonial masters power to continue
        move from being a downtrodden,  industrialize  on its  own, pulling     exploiting African resources.”
        aid-receiving, broken government  itself up by its own bootstraps, so   “When    an   African   becomes
        in the  ‘60s, to  being a  world  to speak.”                            rich, his bank accounts are in
        heavyweight superpower in 2019,  I  am  sure  many  don’t  know  this   Switzerland. He travels to France
        while Africa which saw most of her  fact,  but  that  project  failed  and   for Medical treatment. He invests
        nations gain independence in the  that  failed  project  coupled  with   in Germany. He buys from Dubai.
        same 60s is still crawling and still  the famine that followed took with   He consumes Chinese. He prays
        begging  for  aid?  I  can’t  put  one  it no less than 20 million Chinese   in Rome or Mecca. His children
        answer  to  this.  But  as  Kenyan  lives. That’s like a combination of   study  in  Europe.  He  travels  to
        Professor PLO Lumumba puts it in  two nations in Afrika. But not one    Canada, USA, Europe for tourism.
        one of his speeches, “China simply  aspect of that failed project defines   If he die, he will be buried in his
        gave her people true leadership.”  China  today.  Why?  China  simply   native  country  of Africa. Africa  is
        And then I asked myself again,  had a  sit  down, rewrote their         just a cemetery for Africans. How
        what is wrong with the leadership  narrative and took the position of   could a cemetery be developed?”
        of  Afrikan  governments?  I  will  servitude  towards  other  nations   ~Putin Asks!
        leave you to answer that question  for a season, while they used that   Afrika has come of age to
        yourself.                           time  to  improve  their  technology   determine where she should be in
        I  read something online  as I  and by  extension their economy.        the  overall  picture  of  things.  She
        wrote  this  piece  about  China.  Today,  I  do not think there are a   just needs to see her own picture
        It  speaks  of  what  happened  in  lot of nations on the earth where   clearly  and  then  make  it  happen
        China between the years 1958 to  China’s  money  has  not  been         for real.

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