Page 83 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 3
P. 83

the magnificent
                                Ngong Hills

                                                                       Samuel Phillips

        killed  all  the  photos!  When  I  sat  photos  I  have  seen  online,  took   for showing how good or bad you
        at the computer, excited to finally  some  level  of  training  to  attain.  I   are.
        take a look at the photos one after  needed some basic training to at   5. Look beyond what you see and
        the other... it was all a mess. The  least know my camera and how to    you will never be limited in sight.
        only  consolation  I  gave  myself  control it. I learnt this with my first   Photography  is  about  sight  and
        was, at least I was able to use a  damaged photos.                      the capturing of what is seen and
        professional digital camera for the  2. Passion and love for what you   so  is  every  aspect  of  our  lives.
        first  time. And  that  is  the  reason  do can create a beginning  for   Never limit your possibilities.
        I  wrote  this  piece.  Now  I  can  you,  but  training  will  give  you  a   6.  Your  worst  photo  could  be
        say  after  about two years of  self  deeper connection to your creative   someone  else’s  best.  So  do
        training from “YouTube University”  essence. I have seen this firsthand   not  beat  yourself  up  nor  swell
        I have become better at my photos  and I  am still in the learning      up  with  pride.  This  is  not  just  in
        and I now shoot in manual mode,  business.                              photography.  It’s  about  every
        even  though  I  am  yet  to  capture  3.  Never  be  afraid  of  your  little   aspect of life. You don’t know how
        what I would call my masterpiece.  beginning.  I  love  little  beginnings   much  better  you  have  become,
        Returning to Ngong Hills about two  and  how  they  represent  your     until you see the beginnings of
        years later was surely a beautiful  first step into the unknown. I love   others. So watch beginners but
        experience for me. A reminder of  challenges,  personally.  And  if  I   learn from masters and stay
        how and where I started from with  am  to  add,  I  have  the  tendency   humble.
        photography and a review of what  to do what  I was  told not to do     7.  Take  a  trip  just  for  fun.  I  love
        I have learnt so far.              or  what  I  hear  people  say  is  not   Afrika, and she is very beautiful, so
        What  did  I  learn  from  that  first  possible,  especially  if  I  sense  it’s   I will advise you go across Afrika.
        failure?                           the direction God wants me to go.    Explore  and  capture  her  diverse
        1. Things are not always what they  4. You are not in competition with   beauty.
        appear to be in real life, compared  anyone. Your life and your passion   If you would like to see the fruit of
        to what is seen on TV or online.   is yours and the mastery of both     my journey so far, please visit
        This is true in all  areas  of life.  is  your  responsibility.  Know  that  for   free
        Personally, I love good photos and  it’s ok to start small and to make   downloads.  And if  you want to
        I wanted badly to shoot some for  mistakes, but do not remain small.    share your photos of  Afrika  with
        myself. I just didn’t have the most  And  if  you  do  want  to  compete,   us, please contact
        basic knowledge  to  understand  compete with the best, and if that,
        that  the  various  professional  let it be for learning’s sake and not
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