Page 78 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 3
P. 78


        young maid that has been with       has her freedom and she knows  she was not there it’s like to her,
        her for  about 14 years and she     she  is  going  back  to  her  place,  other  people,  even  us,  were  not
        doesn’t  seem  to  be  in  a  hurry  to   she is not in your ‘cage’ the whole  doing that well in our care of her.
        leave. That really got my attention   time. Then she can breathe and  They started having some secrets,
        because I have gotten used to the   be with people she relates to and  I didn’t understand because I know
        stories of there is a maid today and   maybe  complain  about  how  the  how my mother felt about people
        in two months time she is gone. So   boss is doing that to her, you know  who from outside, but somehow
        I wondered what she (the madam)     what I mean? I think that’s a very  these ones blended. And she did
        had  done  for fourteen  years to   healthy way of  doing it.  So  she  a very good job.
        keep her maid. I let that day pass   has  her  own  place  to  come  and
        without asking her anything.        go  and  she  feels  she’s  coming   So  does that mean  that
        Another time  when we were at       to a job and she feels proud that   the older generation has a
        the house, I decided  to ask her    she’s coming to a job.              better way of  maintaining
        straight  up  questions  about  her   I also treat her well, I think I pay
                                                                                relationship than this new
        relationship  with  her  maid  of  14   her  well  enough  and  I  give  her
                                                                                generation? There seems  to
        years. Below is the short interview   leave  allowance;  I  pay  her  what
                                                                                be a divide between these
        I did with her at the breakfast table.  we call the 13th month. And she’s
                                            also patient like when the money    two sides.
        What  has your  relationship        is not coming like these days when   Again  when  you’re  older  people
        with your maids been like?          I’m not working. When I retired I   respect you. When she came I had
                                                                                position, she was also feeling okay
        Some  of  them  had  very  bad      said do I still need her full time?   it’s good to work for this one.
        attitudes. One time I remember  I   And then I wondered, am I going     When you’re younger, the maids,
        sent  one  away,  she  had  slapped   to relieve her just like that? I didn’t   if  you’ve  employed  older  ones,
        the watchman. When I  would go      have to keep her, but I felt I’m going   they think they can mother you,
        away, she would walk out and so     to disadvantage her by taking her   even  though  you’re  the  boss.  I
        this  watchman, it  was a  smallish   off the job that she appears to do   remember  telling  some of them I
        Maasai watchman, asked “Were        very  enthusiastically,  so  I  let  her   need you to use Harpic in the loo,
        you  employed  to  go  and  talk  out   stay.  So, how do I  manage to   she would say even Vim can clean
        there  or  were  you  employed  to   keep her? I don’t know.            well. So there are those challenges
        work?” And  she  said,  “Have  you   She  has  her  ‘things’,  like  when   of disrespect. Sometimes they also
        been  employed  to  look  after     she came, the arrangement was       disrespect this young person who
        maids?”  and  she  slapped  him.  I   that she would have lunch here,   has  employed  them.  Earlier  on  I
        said somebody like that, mm-mm.     just  lunch,  but  now  she  doesn’t   really never had difficulty keeping
        Again  her attitude had  changed    even have breakfast at home she     people for quite some time, except
        completely  and  I  was  imagining   comes to have it here. That one    one  time  when  I  don’t  know
        how this woman  could just set      she didn’t ask. It just blended and   why the house girl had left and I
        things  on  fire  or  something  like   I allowed it to continue.       had  to  get  people  from  bureau,
        that.                               It has its ups and downs, whether   because here I am working and I
        I had another one, I told her one   she should stay long or whether     had no one to leave this one with
        day we were going to have visitors;   she should go because then she    (referring to her daughter seated
        she didn’t show up. And so I was    gets to know you very well and if   close by).  That time we had two
        here stuck with dishes and I was    she wants to mess you up, she can   people, we had a man servant, we
        washing  them  every  evening  so   do it. But it’s just treating her like   were  living  in  a  place  with  more
        that I could finish.                a human and the fact that maybe     space that needed attention. So I
        And then I asked a maid working     God just had it that we can work    would go and get somebody from
        for a friend if she would know      together. Like the girl who looked   the  bureau in  a  hurry and then
        of anybody, so she brought her      after my mother when she was        when they get home I say, “Heh!
        (the maid who had stayed for 14     old - and my mother never wanted    This  one  to  look  after  my  child?”
        years).  That  time I  just wanted   maids around - she did the work    So that  time I  remember,  there
        somebody for three days a week.     herself until she was not able to   was quite a lot of instability, they
        So she came a few days a week,      do it and she needed somebody       would go and come. I would have
        she had good attitude, she could    to be with her even at night. And   to  prepare  all  the  meals  in  the
        work and then somehow I  asked      somebody from Busia came            evening  and  put  them  in  bottles,
        her to come every day. I used to    (my  mother  didn’t  speak  much    because  I  didn’t  feel  they  should
        do the cooking myself, but as we    Swahili) and the girl learnt Kikuyu,   prepare it themselves.
        went on I saw that she could do it   they became friends, she used to   And then when they left, I had
        and was somehow willing to learn.   call her,  her granddaughter. And   somebody who stayed with us until
        Number two, it is good when she     they bonded so much that when
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