Page 77 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 3
P. 77
ou will please forgive People on social media lamenting for her good work in our sister’s
about how things are not going
me if I don’t have a house. So on this day, we thought
completely accurate so cool between them and their about it again but because she
perspective about maids. One of my beloved sisters was busy with house chores, we
this subject matter. (she knows herself if she reads told her we would get the things
YI have not had a this and I am sure she will laugh and bring them to her. She turned
over it) posted recently about how
direct experience with this, so down the offer saying that her
I might not be totally correct. she has trained lots of maids and madam (our sister) would think
However, permit me to make they just keep going away only for she stole them from her house.
some sense of the situation and her to start training with someone I was stunned by that. She went
also give my own personal opinion else again. I am not one of those further to say she has been warned
who join band wagons of popular
about it. Just maybe we all can not to even bring a handbag with
make some changes based on stories or narratives and then not her when she is coming to work.
the simple principle of do unto think through the entire scenario Sincerely in my head, I was like
others (including housemaids) in order to make the appropriate who cares if you steal everything
what you want others (including changes needed. The question is in the house? What if you stealing
what is it really between madams
housemaids) to do unto you. We my stuff is how God will get to
will come back to this principle and maids? Sincerely I don’t know you? Knowing that the goodness
shortly. this answer, but I think I can try to of God expressed even in our
I didn’t have the privilege, well if point our eyes towards something sin leads us to repentance. We
it’s really a privilege to grow up just maybe that might help. managed to get her some things
Let me give you a few scenarios.
with maids, house helps and stuff. another way, without breaking
So I may be very ignorant. Coming Some months ago, my wife and the rules of the house. And mind
to Kenya changed my personal I were at the house of one of our you, this particular narrative of my
lifestyle just a bit, ranging from tea sisters (yes, I have lots of sisters madam said this and that is almost
drinking even in the hot weather, and brothers). An amazing sister everywhere when it concerns
I will say with an amazing family
to wearing double clothes due to maids and madams. Please stay
cold weather and then the issue of to match. She and her family with me on this article.
maids or house helps. Particularly were not home but the maid was Another aspect is this. Why don’t
because of the rise of the middle around. A sweet and loving young maids stay? Let me show you
class of Kenya, the story of house woman who always made sure another example. My wife and I
we got something to eat or drink
helps and the many issues that were at the house of one of my
come with that never end. It’s whenever we went. My wife and I mothers, a retired government
been a constant thing I hear had wanted to take her shopping official (I have a few mothers).
almost everywhere, even online. for a while just to appreciate her In her house she has this not so