Page 75 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 3
P. 75


              GREEN HANDS

                       Grow Your Own Food God’s Way

                                     REVERSAL OF THE CURSE!

                                          By: Nicholas Munyororo

                                            Adam’s  sake.  Previously, Adam’s  of Eden was not cursed, it is the
        Genesis 5:29- And he called his     work  was  to  tend  and  to  keep  ground from which man was taken
        name Noah, saying ‘This one         the garden that God had planted.  that was cursed and it is to this land
                                            There are many interpretations of  that they were sent back. For the
        will comfort us concerning  our
                                            the  words  to  “tend  and  to  keep”.  garden of Eden in Genesis’ story
        work and the toil of our hands,
                                            What was in God’s mind when He  is the same as the New Jerusalem
        because  of the ground  which
                                            put  Adam  in  the  Garden?  What  in Revelation 20, with no curse but
        the Lord has cursed’                was  Adam’s  duty  in  sustaining  only  the  presence  of  God  in  the
        Genesis  8:21-22-And  the  Lord     the  garden  that  was  to  provide  midst of His people.
        smelled a soothing aroma. Then  him  with  all  that  was  “pleasant  This state of things is what Cain
        the Lord said in His heart, ‘I will  to  the  sight  and  good  for  food”?  and Abel were born into until later,
        never again curse the  ground  God even saw that Adam needed  when  another  level  of  curse  was
        for man’s sake, although  the       a  helper  “comparable  to  him”  to  introduced. When Cain murdered
        imagination  of man’s heart is      assist him in this important work.  his  brother,  God  pronounced  a
        evil from his youth; nor will I     God’s intention was for Adam and  curse on him in Gen 4:13 “when
                                            Eve  to  oversee  the  garden  and  you till the ground,  it shall  no
        again destroy every living thing
                                            take possession of it, but the most  longer  yield  its  strength  to  you”.
        as I have done.
                                            important  work  was  obedience.  This is like a double curse on the
        “While the earth remains,
                                            They failed in this and caused the  ground for his sake. The Ground
        Seedtime and harvest,               ground to  be cursed. When the  had already been cursed when
        Winter and summer,                  ground  has been  cursed by God  Adam  and  Eve  disobeyed  God.
        And day and night,                  then  it  is  difficult  to  cultivate  and  The  second  part  of  the  curse
        Shall not cease”                    it is only by toil that food can be  was  the  second  level  and  was
                                            extracted from it. Adam was driven  worse than the first because God
        When  God  punished  Adam  and  away from the garden which God  said he would be a fugitive and a
        Eve for eating the fruit of the tree  had  planted  for  him  and  sent  to  vagabond  on  the  earth,  meaning
        of the knowledge  of good  and  till the ground from which he was  he  would  be  hidden  from  God’s
        evil,  he  cursed  the  ground  for  taken. The ground in the Garden  sight.  The basic characteristics
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