Page 84 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 3
P. 84
Entim Sidai
wellness sanctuary
tranquility by being immersed in an
n invitation to go sent, this time we had time, off
environment that is filled with the
‘forest bathing’ in we went to Karen. We went to a
sounds of chirping birds, the wind
Karen in Nairobi a beautiful place called Entim Sidai,
rustling through the leaves, all the
few months ago, with a wellness sanctuary with 20
while enjoying a spa treatment, a
Athe opportunity to acres of indigenous forest land
take beautiful photos was almost at the base of the Ngong’ Hills. healthy meal or spending a night.
He explains that Entim Sidai is all
impossible to turn down. ‘What This serene forest has over 400
about wellness and that the 400
on earth is forest bathing?’ We species of indigenous trees that
different species all have different,
asked. ‘You go for a walk in the have been preserved at least as
unique healing properties that
indigenous forest and inhale far back as 1923, and will continue
the phytoncides that the plants to be preserved in the hands of the allow one to be healed just by
taking a walk in the forest and
release and it cleanses your whole current owners.
simply breathing in.
being.’ We were told, in response. The sanctuary features an
For our forest bathing, we were
‘Phyton-what?’ old bungalow with some new
joining one of the loveliest groups
Anyway, we weren’t able to go the extensions that have been made
first time, but having had a healing for accommodation; the additions of ‘seniors’ I have met. Known as
The Blue Zone Golden Inspiration,
experience, simply walking in are in keeping with the style of
they are a lively group of over 65
Karura Forest, I was now very the main house. There are also
year olds, with very interesting
eager to try out this forest bathing discreetly positioned glass houses
stories to share and questions to
thing out. Let me explain. Visiting hidden within the trees, where
Karura Forest had been something clients can go to enjoy a manicure posit.
The group was founded by a senior
that was far out of reach for my or a massage, all the while taking
nicknamed ‘Mr. B’ and a young
husband and I for a very long in the serene forest environment
man called Paul, who runs Paul’s
time. Suddenly, during a visit to around them. There is a gorgeous
Tropical Fitness. They gather once
Nairobi, it became possible. I was well-manicured lawn, which
in a terrible spiritual, physical and attracts the attention of those a week, catch up, listen to a talk
that edifies them, ask questions,
emotional state and I kept telling seeking beautiful wedding photos
engage in some ‘Green Fitness’ (or
The Father, “I don’t want to go.” and is also set up for some al fresco
outdoor exercise in a green space)
And He wasn’t having it. So I went. dining or evening drinks. The view
and then walk the forest, bathing
As soon as I stepped into the outer from the front of the sanctuary
fringes of the forest and inhaled also affords one a glimpse of the themselves in those mysterious
phytoncides I had hinted at earlier.
the eucalyptus leaves, something Ngong’ Hills. Exploring the forest,
As Mr. B explains, ‘Our biggest
in my heart just settled. Four hours we were also shown a well, dating
later I was rejuvenated, refreshed, back to the early 1900s, which has
rested and healed internally. I alkaline water.
cannot explain it. I just was better According to Amar Jonathan, the
and I knew that The Lord had done sanctuary’s Head of Sales and
this. Marketing, Entim Sidai means
So, when a fresh invitation to ‘beautiful forest’. Their goal is
join the forest bathing group was for their guests to experience