Page 24 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 30
P. 24
freedom of speech, but they did not even give instruments to coerce ethical compliance.
me the right to appeal.
They selectively discriminate, drop black
So, essentially, ENS canceled me for clients and stand with even racist white
allegedly saying something distasteful, but clients, no matter how egregious their
not illegal. However, they have no issues actions, to ensure white supremacy and
representing EOH and Eskom that were imperialism prevail in Africa. It’s almost
involved in corruption and state capture; like they continue the charter colonial
people involved in the Marikana killings; or company mandate, that began with the Dutch
apartheid banks in South Africa that sabotage East India company in 1509. By doing so,
the Rand or those that discriminate against they uphold the very systems of power
black people by charging them higher interest that perpetuate injustice and human rights
for loans and deny them loans. violations in African.
It appears that ENS’s decision to cancel In this instance, ENS had no problem
my services was motivated by a desire to disregarding the greater public interest of
maintain white solidarity with the company giving me defense to fight a company that
responsible for illegally selling GMOs laced is potentially threatening the lives of over
with cancer-causing chemicals in Zimbabwe. 16 million Zimbabweans through illegal
This is consistent with ENS’s pattern of behavior, because the victims are Africans
representing apartheid criminals and racist and inconsequential to ENS’ bottom line,
South African banks that have illegally even though they thrives as Africa’s biggest
imposed U.S. sanctions on innocent people in firm.
Zimbabwe as well, while citing ‘reputational
risk’ as a justification for disregarding the In other words, 16 million Zimbabwean lives
human rights of those innocent people, on a just don’t matter enough to ENS. This goes
continent where they [ENS] claim to be the to show that black lives don’t matter to white
leading Africa law firm. corporates, and in fact, they are probably
being pushed to align with the agenda of
It’s clear that ‘reputational risk’ is just an getting Africans into food slavery.
excuse, as apartheid criminals and racists,
continue to receive legal services from The sad part is through this fight, I have
companies like ENS and the banks they discovered that I am not just fighting Innscor,
represent, without any fear of reputational but I am fighting the owners and funders of
risk. This exposes the truth: white U.S. GMO biotech companies like Monsanto,
institutions prioritize advancing imperialism which include State Street and Norges Bank
and maintaining white supremacy above (the Norgean Soveriegn Wealth Fund), who
what their reputation looks like to black also have cross-shareholding in Blackrock,
people, because blacks have no economic all of which have shareholding in the South
| we tell the true afrikan story