Page 25 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 30
P. 25
African banks that are represented by ENS. realizing that in the future, they would be
weakened to the point of being enslaved
ENS or Edward Nathan Sonnenbergs itself on their own continent. Unbeknownst to
has also represented GMO-producing the black lawyers at ENS who made this
companies like Pioneer in 2014, when decision, they just didn’t collaborate with
Pioneer was in court against Monsanto, white supremacy, but they also colluded in
which was represented by Bowman and the destruction of the food they need and
Gilflan in Monsanto South Africa (Pty) the perpetuation of a chemical war against
and other vs Bowman Gillfillan and them and their own children. Happy karma to
others them.
ZACAC/2011/5.html Pioneer itself is owned
by the U.S. multinational biotech company, The lesson learned from my being ‘canceled’
Dow Chemicals, which was one of the tools by ENS is that African lives don’t matter
that Kissinger and McKinan said will be to white corporate interests, not only in
used to enable America to control the world Zimbabwe, as the Innscor case has shown,
population through food. but worldwide. The reason why these black
lives don’t matter is that the most lucrative
This is why my case - fighting for African clients of law firms are often unethical and
health against a GMO supplier - presented psychopathic corporations that profit from
a conflict of interest with the biotech and exploiting and perpetuating crimes against
GMO-producing companies that ENS humanity on Africans. And due to the veils
represents, leading them to terminate their of either ‘conflict of interest,’ or ‘’managing
services with me, on frivolous grounds. reputational risk’, Africans are discriminated
Consequently, Zimbabweans and Africans [just like during apartheid] denied legal
have become collateral damage due to services (and other white dominated services
imperialist capital interests to propagate like banking, insurance, animal seed,
GMOs and toxic food in Africa, more than universities etc) from the best law firms,
saving African lives. which represent these criminal enterprises.
What is even more concerning for me is that The message is clear to us as Africans:
the decision to cancel me for my free speech, we need to empower our own to racially
by ENS, was not only reached by non-blacks overhaul our economic, educational, legal,
but also by some black people who were media, and political systems, to ensure they
part of this discriminatory decision that goes serve African interests, because the other
against broader public welfare and interest. races we are trying to reconcile with are here
to dominate and destroy us, not to coexist
with us.
This is reminiscent of how our chiefs in the
past sold their own people into slavery, not
ISSUE 30 | AUGUST 2024 25