Page 33 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 30
P. 33


               comedians and skit makers even without           on his TikTok page:

               any formal training in media practice. We        In South Africa, a significant issue is that
               are somehow raising more rich jokers/            instead of actively seeking solutions to the
               comedians while our medical doctors,             problems, people often resort to making fun
               scientists, engineers, and those who could       and jokes about these issues.
               create the infrastructure we need for Africa’s   This cultural tendency to use humor as a

               growth are fighting hard to make ends meet.      coping mechanism leads to a lack of serious
               Are we slowly creating a future that will be     discourse and effective problem-solving.
               full of jokers who are contented with buying     As a result, those responsible for causing

               Chinese gadgets because they can afford          problems in society recognize that the worst
               them, but lack the zeal to create an African     consequence they might face is becoming the
               technological system that will create its own    subject of jokes.
               gadgets?                                         This undermines accountability and
               There are lots of things to pull out of this     perpetuates the cycle of problems, as there

               concern that is slowly arising in our Africa.    is little pressure on troublemakers to change
               Especially how we are trivializing and           their behavior or address the underlying
               making jokes of serious matters of real          issues.

               continental and even national interests.
                                                                We should look into this trend before our
               Vusi Thembekwayo puts it this way in a post      jokes come back to haunt us.

                                                                                        ISSUE 30  | AUGUST  2024  33
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