Page 23 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 33
P. 23


               We drove out to get some supplies in town.       Tomorrow is not guaranteed for anyone: What

               We got back after about one hour or so. But lo   would have happened if I had harvested the
               and behold, even before getting to the garden    matured okra when I had the hunch to do so?
               I could see that all the okra had disappeared. I   I would have saved the seeds and multiplied

               could not believe my eyes at first.              them in another planting season.

               I went to the garden and my fears were           But that did not happen; not because there was
               confirmed.  The  wild  boys  had  eaten  every   no seed to harvest, but because I did not listen
               single okra that I was keeping for harvest. I    to harvest them within the time frame that

               was very annoyed with the animals but at the     they were available for me to harvest them.
               same time, I was pissed with myself for not      But what does that mean?
               listening to the prompting to harvest the okra

               before leaving for supply runs.                  The  opportunity  of  a  lifetime  must  be  used
                                                                within the lifetime of the opportunity.
               It was a good lesson for me and even though I
               did not get to harvest and store the okra seeds   Applying this particular lesson goes beyond
               as I had wished, I did learn a few things from   gardening and invading monkeys or baboons.

               that experience.                                 It applies  to  every  area of  our  lives and  we
                                                                need to pay attention to it.
               Life Lessons

                                                                We cannot put off until tomorrow what needs
               Nature always wins: I remember telling           to be done today.  Why?  Tomorrow is not
               one of our friends who works in the forest       guaranteed for anyone and none of us know
               conservancy about what happened. He just         what will happen in the next hour. Nobody
               laughed  it  off  and  said  “This  forest  is  the   does.

               home of the animals, we are the ones that are
               visitors here,” or something like that. Clearly,   So, we cannot live life thinking that we are
               his words did not help, but they were the truth   the best thing that happened to the world since

               all the same.                                    mango juice. No, we are not. We are part of
                                                                a living, breathing organism called Earth.
               No matter what humans do, and no matter how      And  it’s  incumbent  on  us  to  live  right even
               smart we think we are, nature will always do     as we display the beauty of our lives for all
               what nature does and nature will always win.     humanity to see.

               For example, what if the issue of Climate
               Change is just nature giving the middle finger   Life is a beautiful piece of art: Imagine living
               to humans for the wayward ways we have           in that dark, quiet, and sometimes cold forest

               dealt with nature?                               with the sound of animals and insects coming
                                                                from all directions. By the way, there are no
               Something to think about.                        other houses within the forest. Also, imagine

                                                                                      ISSUE 33  | JAUNUARY  2025  23
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