Page 24 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 33
P. 24


               if the forest trees could call a meeting of their   have happened to people when they listen to

               “council of elders” and the topic of discussion   that still small voice.
               is “What should we do with these humans          Thank goodness, in our case, it was just
               invading our space”? Or if the baboons and       okra seeds and melons that were lost and not

               monkeys made the grand plan that they would      something more valuable.
               strike the garden only when the okra was fully
               matured?  And you know baboons are very          In conclusion, life is dynamic and the
               intelligent, aggressive, and vicious.            dynamism of life requires that we pay attention
                                                                to things around us, things within us, and

               It’s interesting, right?                         things in nature. For all things are connected
                                                                and all things are one in WHOLENESS.
               But that’s the beauty and the art called life

               or nature. Everything is interwoven and
               everything is connected even if we do not see
               or appreciate the connection.

               There are days I would come out of the house

               as early as 3 am to pray and also just to
               listen to the sound of the forest. The constant
               buzzing of insects and the occasional sound of

               monkeys and birds in the trees make the entire
               dark environment surreal and pleasant.

               It gets even sweeter when it rains, except that
               sometimes the smell from the forest when the

               rains fall heavy is horrible. When such heavy
               rains fall, the forest emits a very strong smell
               like it’s pooping or farting.

               But that’s all part of the art called LIFE and
               it’s beautiful.

               Follow the leading of the inner voice:  That

               voice on the inside or that gut feeling on the
               inside that tries to speak to us is nothing but the
               voice of God or the Universal Mind prompting

               us to pay attention to something. Unwanted
               incidents happen when people ignore that
               voice. Also, lots of good and amazing things

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