Page 74 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 74

TRUE AFRIKAN  LEADERS                                                                                                                                                                                    TRUE AFRIKAN LEADERS

          Smart money  moves in                                                 money back. So, if they default,
          network building                   Other smart money moves            you may end up paying.
          Volunteer  outside  and  be an     to make
          active member of  your soci-                                          Learn new skills.
          ety,  whether it’s a sports club,   Divorce your bank                 Educate  yourself  - hundreds of
          church, school parents group,      Don’t be in a frustrating relation-  free tools and classes on your
          charity society,  industry task    ship with a bank.                  phone/online/YouTube. Or take
          force.  Try and associate with     Find a bank that accommodates      a class in your locale that helps
          people and organizations  that     you; your needs change over        you  understand  finances  and
          inspire you. Join industry task    time and your bank also chang-     how to manage them.
          teams it is much easier to do      es.
          when you are inside a company
          than as a freelancer. It does not   Give money to your enemy
          cost money, but time.              You can be your own worst en-
                                             emy if you try to save too easily.
          Smart money moves                  If  you want to  save,  automate
          after you leave your cur-          through  a standing  order and
                                             have the money sent to an ac-
          rent job
          In all your interactions, keep in   count of yours that is difficult to
          mind  that your next employer      pull money out of.
          or your next client is likely to be
                                             Read your statements
          someone you have interacted
          with professionally.               Read  all of them. If someone
          When you are planning to leave     emails  you  a statement (pen-
          your job, assess your bills. Cut   sion, bank, KRA,  M-pesa),
                                             please take  a  minute and try
          out things you do not need. Find
                                             and  understand  every debit
          a personal insurance plan. Shift
          your office pension to a person-   (every time money leaves your
          al one. That is your right under   account). Also study and under-
          RBA rules in Kenya. For other      stand your payslip.
          countries in Afrika, find out what
                                             Take time to resolve issues          The author is a financial writer,
          options exist for  you now and
          begin to  take whatever steps      Get your credit report, (it’s free).   and former finance manager and
          may be necessary. Make it a pri-   Today, in Kenya, to get a gov-       banker.
          ority for yourself.                ernment job  needs  - several        He is also a long-term blogger
                                             document HELB, CID, Police,          on banking and finance and a
          Find a workspace that suits you,   KRA clearance, etc. Banks and        two-time winner of Kenya’s best
          away from distractions.            people  make mistakes.  They         business blog. He has engaged
          It is easier to tarmac (search for   won’t admit it in writing, but they   with several brands to drive the
          work or business opportunities)    will  fix  their  mistakes.  Resolve   uptake of their financial and in-
                                             any outstanding  issues, it can      vestment products in Kenya.
          over the internet, than in real
          shoes all over  your city.  Pubs   make a huge difference for you.
          and coffee shops have Wi-Fi. A                                          He's passionate about capital
          coffee cup of USD 2/- is equal     SACCOs                               markets, farming, aviation, and
          to about an hour of free internet.   Keep in mind if you join a         contributes to initiatives that
          They also have newspapers you      SACCO,  your reward is based         promote African investments,
          can read. The best time to visit   on how much you save. If you         oversight, travel and road safety
          is probably mid-morning  when      agree to become someone’s            in Kenya.
          they are not too busy. Rotate lo-  guarantor, pay attention to what
          cations and you may spot some-     they are  borrowing  for and  re-
          one at a new place. Smile at the   member you are the guaran-
          waiter and leave a tip.            tee for the SACCO getting their

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