Page 71 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 71

ART  PERSONALITY                                                                              ART  PERSONALITY

     Quentin (22), Moses (24), Mark          word?                              to talk about the things that are
     (21) and their manager Warris           Quentin: When we were danc-        happening.
     (22) from the group ‘Affiliat-          ing, I  was doing spoken word      Mark: Love. I love what I do, I
     ed’  gave  us  insights  into  their    part-time, though  I wasn’t sure   love poetry and I love stories.
     journey and passion for spoken          about it,  but then, slowly after
     word poetry. Their instrumen-           the  dance started  fading away,   What do you talk about?
     talist, Dougie, joined us at the        the spoken word started coming     Moses: Generally, we talk about
     very end but his value to the           out.  Then everybody came on       politics, corruption and the way
                                             board, until where we are today.
                                                                                people mis-run institutions. For
     group was very evident. Affili-         It’s been a journey. 3 years.      example we have a piece about
     ated are students of journalism,                                           sports and how there is misman-
     broadcast journalism (Quentin)          So you haven’t given up,           agement in Kenya.
     and pharmaceutical technology           which  means you’re  either        Mark: I write on three bases. I
     (Moses) at the Technical Uni-           winning  competitions  or          write on what I believe in, what I
     versity of Mombasa, they have           you’ve found something in          see and what I hear. If I see peo-
     literally pulled themselves up          this?                              ple  like probably  in Mombasa
     by sheer determination. Their           Moses: Yes, there is something     getting killed, I write about that,
     talent, dedication and message          in this. A person like me, I come   that’s a story I tell people about
     have earned them respect in             from somewhere  remote and         that. I can tell people about reli-
     their circles and they have a           I really wanted to change what     gion, somebody can get a story
                                                                                out of that.
     debut album, ‘Doh ya fare na            I  see around  there, but I  didn’t   Quentin: Sounds of revolution.
     ndoto’ (money for busfare and           know how to exactly. But when      How would you summarize your
     dreams) in the works. They live         I started venturing  into word, it   message?
     in Mombasa.                             opens up your mind to all this.    Quentin: One thing  we always
                                             Quentin:  What spoken word
                                                                                have as the main message is
                                             gave me  is freedom, because
     Interview by Msingi Afrika Team                                            that love will rescue us. We sim-
                                             personally  I have  been  weak
                                                                                ply tell people to love one anoth-
                                             in speech but through spoken
                                                                                er.  We want to reawaken  their
                                             word I can speak in front of
                                                                                mental  senses, because  right
                                             masses without shaking but ini-
                                                                                now we live in a society where
                                             tially I couldn’t.
                                                                                rules are there but nobody is fol-
                                             Mark: I joined this group later. I
                                                                                lowing  them. It’s like a vehicle
                                             was a friend to Quentin and Mo-
                                                                                and potholes, we’re shaking. So
                                             ses and Warris. I could write but
         Tell  us  about  ‘Affiliated’.      not perform, so these guys moti-   we’re trying to tell people to take
         How did it start? Why is it         vated me a lot. I said this is what   it easy.
         called ‘Affiliated’?                I want to do. It boosted my con-   Mark: Our message hits every-
         Quentin:  Affiliated  means  we     fidence, even my writing. That’s   one in the society.
         are linked to  whatever we are      how MarkMyWords came about.        How  is the message  being  re-
         doing  and we are also linked                                          ceived?
                                                                                Moses:  I think the message  is
         together  as  brothers.  Affiliated   What drives you?
         started way back in 2016 when                                          driving home, because if I create
                                             Quentin:  There is a saying,
         we  joined  the university. We      “Discipline  keeps you where       an event and people turn up that
         started as a dance crew!            talent takes you” and so  what     means that they really  want to
         Moses:  We had dope moves                                              hear my piece of mind.
                                             keeps us going is the discipline.
         but then there was a competition                                       Quentin:  I  could also say that
                                             When we ventured into spoken
         held here at school, and we lost,                                      the message has been received
                                             word and saw the opportunities
         and we don’t really  like losing,   it had, we decided to venture      in equal measures. When some-
         so we  decided  to venture  into    into it  professionally.  We  are   body tells me I was inspired by
         another field where we can win.                                        your piece  then it really  bless-
                                             brothers; we work by the code
                                                                                es me as a writer because
                                             of brotherhood.  We keep each
         How  did  it lead to spoken         other on track and the things      what I wanted to achieve I have
                                             we see daily inspire us to do it,   achieved it.

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