Page 66 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 66

ART  PERSONALITY                                                                                                                                                                                              ART  PERSONALITY

          lost interest in computers  and    were recommending. So I wrote      they used to do for me, they
          joined drama.                      a letter and compiled  all my      never did anymore. If I wanted a
          In Form  Two, they brought  an     sketches and sent them to BIFA,    brush or sketchpad, it was hard
          artist in, to paint  the backdrop   but I did not hear back from them.   for me to get them. So I resorted
          for drama festivals. I didn’t like   At one point, I lost hope because   to stealing money to buy myself
          it that the principal  was using   I thought in Kenya there was no    paint brushes.  The funny thing
          money to  get an artist  and we    school that teaches art or African   is people think seminary school
          were just there and we weren't     music. I thought that becoming a   is the best and that everybody is
          even painting.  The  artist  made   priest would allow me to do what   a saint, but everyone has their
          the mistake  of leaving  their     I  liked,  which  is  to  touch  and   own weakness.
          brushes and paint behind  after    change  someone's life and the     At home I had nothing  to do, I
          they finished. I had a few people   only thing I would have to do was   wanted to join BIFA, my parents
          I was teaching to draw - I didn't   sacrifice  myself  to  God,  to  give   were 50-50 about it because
          know how to paint then - we        Him everything. I was like, that's   they were like it's  not a  big
          covered the whole thing and did    it, I'm going to become a priest.  school.  They  wanted me  to  do
          an entirely new artwork. The next   We  finished  our  exams  and  as   another course. I stayed for one
          morning, the people going to the   I was leaving,  three teachers     year before choosing the course
          drama festivals folded it up and   told me sort of the same thing.    I wanted to do. I  would  say it
          carried it with them. It hadn't fully   My drama teacher told me never   was the wise  thing for me and
          dried by this time so when it was   to stop writing, because  the     my parents because in that one
          opened everyone was shocked.       stories I  write  are inspiring.  My   year period I met lots of people
          The principal knew I was the only   computer teacher told me I could   with different characters.
          one who could have done it, so I   be the greatest graphic designer
          prepared myself to be punished,    if  I  wanted to.  Our  principal   School of Life
          but the school  won the best       asked me if I wanted to become     I had started looking  for youth
          backdrop award.  The judges        a priest. It was a big deal to be   groups to join because  I didn't
          took the painting as abstract art.   in a seminary school  and then   want to be lazy.  My brother
          There was no punishment and        tell your principal that you didn't   had  left home and  gotten into
          that's when I was introduced to    want to  become a  priest. You'd   trouble and I  didn't want to  be
          abstract art. From then on I used   be in big trouble. So I just said   like  him. I joined  a Community
          to do the backdrop but I soon      yes. He looked at me and said I    Based Organization where I got
          became bored and so I also         could become a great artist. After   into  film  and  film  making  and  I
          started to write narratives as well   finishing my Kenya Certificate of   also started acting. One of  the
          and was eventually  chosen to      Secondary Education (KCSE), I      characters I was given was that
          be a narrator. Meanwhile, back     got a letter from BIFA that was    of a rapper. I started rapping and
          in the computer lab, I became      sent almost three years before     friends of mine used to give me
          one of  the  best  students.  I    it was given to me. The principal   CDs and mixtapes of Kenyan
          failed  in almost every subject    hid it because he knew I wouldn't   rappers I had never heard before
          except literature and computers.   focus; I had actually planned to   like  Ukoo Flani  Maumau who
          No  one,  apart from my mom        leave school if I was accepted at   were rapping about their history,
          understood me and even though      BIFA.                              about  Mau  Mau, about the
          she beat me up when I'd fail, she   After  high school, I  joined  a   Afrikan heritage, governance,
          would brag to  her friends and     seminary for a while  and then     parenthood,  love... they never
          say, "I have a son who can draw    I  left  because I  wanted to  start   rapped about bling. I also started
          you."                              a family.  I  was famous where I   writing. I had no idea that one of
                                             was because I used to do good      my brothers was in that group.
          Touch and Change a Life            artworks, but I left not knowing   So those times that my parents
          While  in high  school  I started   what next. So I went back home.   were complaining  that he had
          looking at  universities and       My father was disappointed         run away  from home, he was
          colleges that taught art. In Form   that I wasn't going to become a   doing tours.
          Two, I  came across a school       priest, my  mom felt  ashamed.     I was introduced to other rappers
          called Buruburu Institute of       They never told me, but you        who  were doing  underground
          Fine Arts (BIFA), which  people    could see it because the things    rap.  The moment I  entered

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