Page 65 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 65

ART  PERSONALITY                                                                              ART  PERSONALITY

                                          Art from the heart

          Skilled  and  talented  artist,
          painter,  graphic  designer,
          photographer,  film  maker,
          poet,  writer, rapper and          I'm  from a really large family    people speaking English all the
          martial artist, Imor  brings       with only three girls and lots of   time.  In  the  first  school  I  hung
          a lot  of  experience and          boys. I was raised a Catholic.     out with people from mostly poor
          knowledge  to  the  table  for     I  have loved art since I was      and middle class backgrounds,
          one yet to hit his thirties. He    young. I grew up in a family that   and in this school I  got the
          is creative director at Artiv      experienced much violence, my      opportunity  to mingle  with the
          Hub  and  his life  has  been      father beating  up my mother;      rich. It was all about having good
                                             some of my brothers were           phones  and  pretty girlfriends.
          his training  ground.  He
                                             stealing. It  was lonely.  I used   The school  helped  me with
          carries within him, wisdom
                                             to be by myself - I can't say in   speaking English and in terms of
          beyond his years. This is a
                                             another room because it was a      discipline. I still kept on drawing,
          part of his story.                 single room - and I'd just draw.   I was always alone, quiet. From
                                             No one really taught me how to     there I went to a seminary school
          Tell  us  a  little  bit  about    draw, apart from a guy in school   in  Nyanza, a boarding  school.
          yourself.                          called Phillip, he was very        It  was hard for me going there
          My  name is  David Omondi          talented.  He introduced  me to    all alone.  It was also the only
          Owino, but people call me Imor     art and a little bit of boxing and   school I went to that really had
          and three or four years ago,       of course it got me into  a little   no serious activities apart from
          people  started calling  me Imor   trouble,  picking  fights  with  the   drama festivals.  There wasn’t
          Pesa. Imor means happiness in      older boys who were bullies.  It   much for me who was active in
          the Luo language. Back in high     was the only way to prove I was    art.  In that school, there were
          school most of the time I was      tough. I grew up in Nairobi,  in   three artists,  including  me,  and
          happy and when I  was around       Dandora  Phase 3.  At the time     one was expelled after the first
          people they  always ended          it was really rough, crime was     two months of my being there. I
          up laughing  or smiling.  Every    always an issue and I  wasn't      just kept on sketching.
          morning when I woke up, there      allowed  to go outside. I would    I was introduced to computers
          was this guy called Pascal who     stay indoors doing my sketches,    for the first time in that school.
          used to tell me "Imor!" and guys   the rest of the time I was either   There were three computers
          thought that was my name, so       going to church or school. I       that we shared and I had never
          they started calling me Imor.      rarely listened to  mainstream     used a computer in my life, or
          With Pesa (money), I haven't       music; my mother would play        even  touched  a mouse. In my
          had much money since I was         traditional Luo music. I used to   first  year,  I  was  not  good  at
          young , but I never complained     hear about rappers and poets       computers, I had the interest but
          about it  because if  I  wanted to   but I never liked them because I   I was not good theoretically, so I
          do something  and  there was       thought they were drug addicts,    failed, but I didn't mind because
          a budget needed,  I'd just say,    criminals and thugs.               I knew this is what I wanted to
          "Money is not the problem,                                            do. I was trying to figure out how
          because    you're   talking  to    School and Life                    I  could draw and transfer my
          'money', I have the skill." People   I went to two different primary   images to a computer and make
          would say,  every time they        schools.  At  my  first  school,  I   them beautiful, but no one ever
          hung out around me they would      learnt lots of things about  the   answered me because they
          always get money because they      society, governance and current    never knew how. So every time
          have ideas and I have the skills   events. Later I went to a different   I asked the question, I used to
          and we  would create things        school with only 200 students. It   be punished, saying that I asked
          together and get paid.             was the first place where I heard   things that were not relevant. I

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