Page 60 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 60

WALKING  LOVE                                                                                                                                                                                                  WALKING  LOVE

          me gradually beyond the girl       hanced, you build resilience.      donors the best results.
          child to education. The norm
          in a school would be for them      What kind of things have           Your work has taken you to
          to select the best children for a   you been able to do be-           some high risk areas. What
          competition, based on their own    tween the launch and now           is it that drives you to do
          judgment, so I came up with an
                                             that you would say answer          what you’re doing even in
          initiative to enhance the read-
                                             the need of resilience?            places where you are ex-
          ing culture in that community. I   Whatever God puts in my heart      posing your life to danger?
          organized their first ever spell-  to do, we come up with initia-
          ing bee competition and made       tives and programs based on        Sometimes it is after I’m done
          it open to all. It increased the                                      with my activity that I realize
                                             that and implement them It is in-  that  I have gone to all these
          confidence levels of children
                                             teresting that we started by rais-  deadly zones. For me what
          in public schools helping them     ing funds domestically, so with
          believe they could do certain      that I was able to set the pace    keeps me going is that initial
          things without having any lim-     for CLICE, not wait for donors     burden to come up with a home
          itations. The ones who didn’t                                         based solution, to change the
                                             or even be limited to the terms    narrative and to take Afrika from
          make it to the final we gave out
                                             and conditions that donors can     that place of dependency to a
          consolation prizes of books and    set. We address education, girl
          for the grand finale we gave out   child advocacy, women eco-         place of independence. You
          Scrabble games dictionaries        nomic empowerment, human           see it is God Who chose the
          and laptops to the children.                                          course I would do in the Univer-
                                             trafficking and illegal migra-     sity and sometimes because of
                                             tion and Water Sanitation and      the passion; I don’t even count
          How were you able to               Hygiene (WASH). As the days        the cost. Like one time I was
          raise funds for it?                go by, God opens up different      involved in an accident on the
          I did domestic resource mobili-    areas we are able to work in.      way to one of the communities
          zation, I didn’t get any support   In resilience building we also try   and the next day I was ready to
          from the local government who      to find out from the people with
          organized the pageant, so I        whom we run interventions how
          went all out to source for funds;   they can have a sustainable
          I wrote to different people they   livelihood and rise above the
          supported it and that was it.      place of dependency. We try to                                         “
          It was just shortly before the     come up with home-based solu-     The first thing is Af-
          spelling bee that I got the name.   tions as well not fully relying on
          I used that platform to launch     donor strategies. By following    rica needs to believe
          CLICE Foundation.                  His leading and His guidance      in Africa, then to
                                             we have been able to win fund-
          How would you describe             ing and complete our projects     be bold and confi-
          what CLICE does?                   successfully, even where others
          CLICE is meant to build resil-     have not, and gain the trust of   dent enough to also
          ience among people, the un-        donors to create extensions to    challenge, tweak
          der-served especially, through     our projects or even to carry
          livelihood enhancement. One of     out new projects using our own    and change the ap-
          our core focuses is livelihood,    customized strategies. The out-
          because if the livelihood is en-   comes of our activities give the   proaches that these
                                                                               donors sell to us.

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          60   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrikaheal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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