Page 56 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 56

NATION IN VIEW                                                                                                                                                                                                   NATION IN VIEW

        a military dictatorship  until the   (That is if you add the 430 years   through those who the word were
        1990s,  and  then suffered two      they spent in Egypt and then        given.
        lengthy civil wars. In 2003, the    the 40 years in the wilderness
        women of Liberia helped bring an    before entering Cannan.) For by     The vision about Liberia
        end to the Second Civil War, and    the declaration of the words of     God is certainly amazing in His
        in 2005,  Ellen Johnson Sirleaf     Jehovah  to Pharaoh  by Moses       ways and dealings with man. He
        was elected President of Liberia.   and the various plagues God hit     does not leave us helpless when
        The current President  George       Egypt with, the children of Israel   we need Him. I remember when
        Weah was elected  in the 2017       were  set free from slavery  and    I  was contemplating on which
        election, defeating the incumbent   brought back to the very land from   Afrikan nation I was to write about
        Vice President  Joseph Boakai,      where their father, Jacob, and his   for this issue of the magazine,  I
        and sworn in on 22 January 2018.    household moved to Egypt.           had thought about Uganda. And
                                            In the case of Liberia,  Afrikans   that was simply because God had
        As it relates to slavery,  freedom   were taken from various parts of   at an earlier time shared some
        from slavery and the building of a   Afrika, sold into slavery and after   things with me about Uganda, so
        nation out of those who were once   about 400 years, the slave trade    I was sure Uganda would be the
        slaves, the story of the Hebrews    was abolished by the declaration    next in line.  But I was surprised
        (The lineage  of  Abraham) who      of liberty. And not knowing what    when the thought of Liberia came
        we now call Israel looks like a     to do with the freed slaves  and    to me so strongly. I didn't have
        precursor  to the Liberian story    the free-born of Afrikan descent in   anything to write about Liberia at
        from  a  technical point of  view.     America, they were brought back   first,  so  I  told  the  Lord  about  it.
        The similarity is quite simple but   to the coast of Afrika from which   And because we are not dealing
        way too obvious to  ignore. Let's   their forefathers were taken as     with any of the  African nations
        see a scripture for context.        slaves  many years prior  and  a    from the space of history or from
        Then He said to  Abram: “Know       new name given to set them          their current situations, but from
        certainly  that your descendants    apart as a new nation of people.    the space of the mind of God, I
        will  be strangers in a land  that     However,  I  am not trying in any   had to  wait to  hear from God
        is not theirs, and will serve       way to make historical sense with   about what to write.
        them,  and  they  will  afflict  them   this article, but to draw attention   One  night I  had this vision. In
        four hundred  years…But in the      to the eternal workings  of God     this vision I was with President
        fourth  generation  they  shall     with and in a people. God's         George Weah of Liberia. He was
        return here”  Genesis  15:13‭-‬16   stories have always been written    dressed in his usual flowing gown
        NKJV‬‬ (Emphasis mine). Of note     in history. In fact, history is simply   (called Agbada in Nigeria) like he
        is that, of all the nations in Afrika   His-Story... God's Story.       was going for a state function but
        whose  forefathers were  taken                                          at the same time he was juggling
        from Afrika during the slave trade,   Liberia  as a name  was  not the   a football. As I watched him play
        only  Sierra  Leone  and  Liberia   original  name of  that  coastal    with the ball, the scene instantly
        became settlements for freed        nation prior to  the abolition  of   changed to  him and everyone
        slaves in Afrika. For in the same   slave trade. It was a name given    around singing and dancing to
        way the Children of Israel returned   when the liberated slaves were    a song I knew many years ago,
        to Canaan after four hundred        brought back to Afrika. This tells   which  before the vision  I had
        and  seventy years, which also      me that the name  is a direct       even forgotten. The words of the
        matches roughly the four hundred    reflection of their new liberty. That   song are
        years  the Afrikan Atlantic  slave   is, an Afrikan nation by declaration   "when we get to heaven
        trade lasted, so did the slaves     of liberty from slave  trade.  This
                                                                                At the marriage supper
        by whose return to Afrika, Liberia   declaration  of liberty is real and
                                                                                All saints are gathered
        was created. And mind you, all of   true, but let me draw you to what
                                                                                At the last assembly
        these bits and pieces are not for   I believe is the actual thing in the
        historical explanation  but for  the   mind of God, which is, the liberty   There will be no sorrow
        purpose of similitude of patterns.  that comes by the declaration of    There will be no weeping
                                            faith. Faith being  that which  is   Farewell to sorrow
        The Similitude                      in the mind of God, given to a      Victory at last".
                                            person or people or institution by
        These words of the Lord to Abram
                                            word of    declaration and which    I woke up  from that experience
        took about 470 years to come to
        pass in the history of the Hebrews.   then creates a new reality for God   wondering  what the  Lord  was
                                                                                telling me. I prayed about it and

          56   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika                                                                                                           heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    57
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