Page 53 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 53
a competitive mindset and envi- al’s self worth, how you handle sures to mitigate any fall out
ronment for anyone who ven- it – based on a set of ambigu- (except as a deterrent) because
tures in; both those who intend ous and amorphous rules set by impartiality dictates a complete-
to stick to the rules and those the person and on how much ly unbiased approach to inter-
who don’t. Each business, or power they wield in their current actions regardless of personal
company assembles for itself title. Ego. history or preference. A viola-
the most ‘elite team’ that it can And because businesses are tion of a policy would attract
get, to help it face off against run by people, they find them- the required penalty. The end.
its competitors in the market. At selves imbued with layers of Meeting of all terms and condi-
the end of competitive phases ego, from founder and Chair- tions would attract the required
(quarterly, half-yearly and annu- man of the Board ego, to CEO compensation. The end.
ally) companies measure their and management ego, to team
results and regroup. At the end ego. Business is not so much Man Built the Impossible
of the annual phase, measure- about buying and selling 'ap- In creation of companies em-
ments are made to declare ples'. It’s about who does it best bracing the capitalist system
one of the businesses ‘better’ and who they managed to beat which is geared at personal
than all the rest. This business to it irrespective of how. Com- profit, man built the impossible.
would, for instance, have been panies house a collective ‘ego’ And I do not say this as some
able to make the most money which they call ‘reputation’ and kind of praise. No. The system
overall, secure the most cus- seek to protect it in every way. is impossible to sustain, im-
tomers, do it all as cheaply as Interactions with companies are possible to work in, impossible
possible. They may even earn therefore not neutral engage- to create financial success for
that title because they saved ments either system to system more than a handful of people,
money by sending workers or individual to system, they impossible to regulate… impos-
home and therefore they kept are carefully navigated waters, sible. Why? Because man is
their costs down. But, they’re with radar equipment actively desperately wicked and he will
the best. scanning 360 degrees for any scheme and connive and sneak
minefields to be avoided so that around to ensure that he gets
It’s Not Business, It’s one can get what one came for, away with as much as he can.
Just Personal and leave the interaction un- He will (and actually does) cre-
These ‘impartial’ businesses scathed. Failure to do so results ate new rules to favor himself
in cancellation of contracts,
are run by people who are and his system. Government
denial of service, withdrawal of rebates, subsidies, tax holidays,
governed, theoretically, by
favors such as discounts or pri- lobbies to change laws to favor
the environment and policies
ority delivery and even shaming
of their companies and of the themselves… bribes to get out
markets in which they operate. in the business community. of trouble or into deals. Not
You see, if the business land-
Yet, somehow, in the midst of only that but they turn against
scape were as ‘impartial’ as it each other using dirty tricks
all this, it seems impossible
claimed to be, it wouldn’t matter like buying up entire stocks of
to keep the one thing out that
whether you called somebody
constantly gets in the way. Ego. product to prevent them from
The sense of self-worth that sir or madam or wished them getting to market, sabotaging
a good day or sent them a
individuals mysteriously have new market entrants by corrupt-
Christmas hamper at the end ing the ‘impartial’ government
of themselves based on a set
of the year. It wouldn’t matter bodies, running campaigns to
of personal experiences grow-
what mood you were in during
ing up and the value placed on harm each others’ reputations…
them (financial and status) by a transaction – the transaction creating false scarcity so as to
would be a transaction without
their employing authority. Ego drive up prices and increase
consequence – as long as all profits… you name it.
is also what they fervently fight
laws and policies governing This is the same creature that
to protect. They enforce this
them were observed. Clean,
‘value’ in all their interactions. built a system that is aimed at
Not the ‘impartial’ job title, or its simple and straightforward. personal aggrandizement and
This would mean that there
requirements, company poli- self-glorification, pretending that
would be no requirement for it is neutral and impartial – yet
cies, local or international laws.
any arbitration or legal mea- imbuing it with the qualities of
How you perceive an individu-
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