Page 48 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 48

         ECONOMY                                                                                                                                                                                                               ECONOMY

                                                     Theory Part 1

                                                                  Mfuniselwa Bhengu

                  Men are shaped by the economy and society they are born into.
                                                    Dalton, 1975

              A universal civilization requires a universal power, and therefore, for
              an African civilization to have universal power, it would have to have
              a strong African-oriented economic philosophy, rooted in an African
              idiom. We believe that Africa has a relatively strong universal power,
                                          but still economically weak.
                                               (Huntington (1996).


                                            economic development. Econom-        ability to guide themselves, make
        Afrikan-oriented      Ekonomic      ic growth and development need       their own decisions, and protect
        System                              to be a substantiation  of a peo-    their interests. It’s their reference
        The ancient  Afrikan economic       ple’s beliefs and values.            point to the past and their anten-
        system was widely  anchored on      This  conflicting  situation  created   nae to the future.
        the principles  of economic de-     a need,  particularly during the
        mocracy.  The basic  premise  of    post-apartheid  era, to look  at a   In Afrika, profit was not appropri-
        this notion is the study of econom-  possibility of  an alternative  eco-  ated by a single individual or by
        ic processes in relation to the so-  nomic paradigm, that would be       corporate owners, as in the West.
        cial and cultural contexts in which   grounded  and rooted on African    Nor was it appropriated  by the
        they  occur.  After  viewing  the   ethics, values and culture. By       state, as in the East. In indigenous
        principle  of self-interest against   the way,  culture gives a people   Afrika, profit was shared between
        its historico-cultural background,   self-identity and character.  It  al-  the owners and the workers. It is
        one considers this link in the Af-  lows them to be in harmony with      in this sense, therefore, that we
        rican  context, and  argues that,   their physical  and spiritual en-    pursue humanistic perspectives,
        although they cannot be taken as    vironment, to  form  the basis  for   which centres upon human  per-
        the sole factor,  people’s  cultural   their sense of self-fulfillment and   son and around human  welfare,
        beliefs and values are crucial for   personal peace. It enhances their   and we do this explicitly and can-

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