Page 43 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 43
epidemics have mushroomed environment and so on. These ister drugs made by others
along with the childhood vaccine two opposing views were held by and they administer them the
schedule. Louis Pasteur (remember him?) way they are told to do, with
• Vaccination is voluntary in Ja- a proponent of germ theory and very little understanding of
pan and they not only have the Antoine Béchamp – a proponent what it is, except what they
healthiest children, they also of terrain theory. Pasteur’s work are told. With us, we prospect
have the highest “healthy life ex- was largely publicized and he for the therapeutic material,
pectancy” among all age groups and his proponents and gained whatever they are, wherever
and the lowest vaccination rate widespread acceptance. Bé- they are available and we pro-
in the entire world? champ’s work was not, though cure the material.”
it was supported by the likes of Concerning vaccinations, he
How did vaccination be- Florence Nightingale. Western had this to say, “The other
come the dominant ap- medicine was founded on Pas- concern I have is too many
teur’s work and vaccination is vaccinations. Vaccines are
based on germ theory. The rest attenuated germs made weak-
is history. Western medicine still er. If a child can get five, six,
It would be important to know
fiercely protects the germ the- seven vaccinations within a
why, in a diverse world such as ory of disease and is the most given time, it will not work.
this, the majority of countries fiercely embraced approach to There will be conflict. And is it
have so eagerly and even reli-
disease management world- necessary? If we have acade-
giously embraced this one solu-
wide. micians who are passionate
tion, as opposed to considering
about researching and com-
other options. Are we saying that Asian and Afrikan indigenous ing out with new innovations,
there are no other options for medicine look at sickness from the first innovation should be
health and disease protection
a different perspective though. why elephants in Mt. Kenya
other than breaching the human
For today’s purposes we will don't get the diseases our cat-
body’s natural defense system
look at our own approaches. Af- tle have. They don't die out.
and compromising it with drugs rikan indigenous medicine looks The zebras which are like our
that do not even last beyond 5 at sickness from a holistic per- donkeys are healthier than
to 10 years but actually cause
spective. Dr. Jack Githae, who our donkeys. The way to pre-
long term immunity issues as a
we recently interviewed, had vent diseases in our children
this to say about treating sick- is dietary and lifestyle. Not
ness, “…sickness is an indi- vaccination.”
Let’s take a few steps back in cation of sluggish immunity,
time, a few hundred years.
because our body is made How God designed us
to cope with whatever chal- In the book “Vaccines: Preven-
There are two theories that ex-
lenges are in the ecosystem, tative Medicine or Sacred Dog-
ist on causes of diseases, germ wherever we live. It is when
theory and terrain theory. Germ we are weak because we don't ma?” authored by The Truth
theory (simply put) says that About Vaccines, some powerful
eat well, because emotionally points are made:
diseases are caused by infec-
we are not stable, that it gives
tious agents or germs, where-
in to infection. So we use that
as terrain theory says that the holistic approach.” He also
quality of our internal environ- added that, “We remove the PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE
ment and the elements it faces
germs, correct the nutritional TO CONTINUE THIS
are what make us susceptible
deficiency, stimulate the body ARTICLE.
to diseases. A healthy terrain
and enhance the immunity
can put to flight foreign patho- so that once you recover you
genic microorganisms whereas don't get the same or other
a weak one is more vulnerable.
diseases because the defense
Healthy terrain is maintained by
system has been enhanced.
nutrition, mindset, detoxification,
Conventional clinicians don't
proper pH, ventilation, hygiene,
make any drugs, they admin-